f. to pass / to spend* the night, to stay (for) the night; Axşamlayır The day is drawing to a close, Night is falling; yaman yerdə axşamlamaq to find*
f. to ask / to cause smb. to spend / to pass the night
s. (i.s.) enough for an evening; bir axşamlıq iş work for one evening; bir axşamlıq azuqə food enough for one evening
z. bax axşamüstü
z. in the evening, towards evening; axşamüstü gəzməyə çıxmaq to go* for a walk in the evening
i. supper; axşamyeməyi yemək to have* supper; axşam yeməyindən qabaq / sonra before / after supper; axşamyeməyindən sonra gəzməyə çıxmaq to go* for a
I. i. 1. bax xacə; 2. (heyvan) gelding II. s. 1. (insan) castrated, emasculated; 2. (heyvan) gelded; axta at gelded horse; axta donuz gelded pig; axta
i. one who castrates a male animal or person
fi. 1. castration, emasculation; 2. (heyvanı) gelding
f. 1. to castrate (d.), to emasculate (d.); 2. (heyvanı) to geld (d.); keçini axtalamaq to geld a goat; 3
f. 1. to be* castrated, to be* emasculated; 2. (heyvan) to be* gelded; 3. (meyvə) to be* stoned
fs. 1. castrated, emasculated; 2. (heyvan) gelded; axtalanmış keçi gelded goat; 3. (meyvə) stoned; axtalanmış zoğal stoned Cornelian cherry
f. bax axtalanmaq
f. bax axtalatmaq
f. 1. to ask / to cause smb. to castrate (d.), to ask / to cause smb. to emasculate (d.), to have* (d
i. 1. the state of being castrated / emasculated; 2. (heyvan) the state of being gelded; 3. (meyvə) the state or quality of being stoned
s. sought-for, sought-after
f. to be* looked for / searched (after / for); O axtarılır He / She is looked for, He / She is wanted
I. i. search, research; investigation; axtarış aparmaq to search; (evdə, otaqda) to conduct a search (of); elmi axtarış scientific research / investig
i. investigator
f. 1. to look (for); to search (after, for); ev axtarmaq to look for a house, to be* in search of a house / an apartment; 2
f. bax axtartmaq
f. 1. to ask / to cause to look for / to search (after, for) (d.); 2. to ask / to cause to seek (d. for); 3
i. 1. akhund, theologian; 2. a spiritual rank in Moslem countries
i. the profession of the akhund; axundluq etmək to be* an akhund
i. manger, (feeding-) trough; (quru yem üçün) (feeding-) rack
qoş. concerning, about; Siz bu məsələyə aid bir şey demək istəyirsinizmi? Do you want to say anything concerning / about this matter? O sizə aid bir s
i. relation, relationship; connection; aidiyyəti olmaq to have* relation / connection; bir şeyə / kəsə aidiyyəti olmamaq to bear* no relation to smb
I. i. family; böyük ailə a large family; Qarayevlər ailəsi the Garayevs; xalqların qardaşlıq ailəsi fraternal family of nations; yaxşı ailədən olmaq t
I. i. nepotist; a family man* II. s. 1. (müsbət mənada) domesticated, family; ailəbaz adam a family man* domesticated man; 2
i. nepotism; ailəbazlıq etmək to practice (-ise) of favouring one’s relatives when one has power or high office, especially by giving them good jobs
s. family, domestic, domesticated; ailəcanlı adam a family / domesticated man*; ailəcanlı olmaq to be* domesticated
i. the character of loving one’s family
i. nepotism
i. bax ailəcanlı
i. bax ailəcanlılıq
s. family, married; ailəli adam family / married man*; ailəli olmaq to be* married, to have* a family
z. all the family together; ailəliklə getmək to go* all the family together
s. bax ailəcanlı
s. unmarried, single; ailəsiz olmaq to be* unmarried / single; to have* no family
i. the state of having no family, the state of being unmarried / single
I. s. family; ailəvi adam family man; ailəvi qonaqlıq family party II. z. in domestic surroundings; məsələni ailəvi həll etmək to settle a question in
I. i. academician II. s. academic; akademik lüğət Academy dictionary; akademik saat academic hour; akademik il academic year
i. academy; elmlər akademiyası Academy of Sciences; Kənd Təsərrüfat akademiyası Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Hərbi akademiya Military College / A
i. academic manner
i. acacia
i. acacia grove
i. accordion player
i. mus. accompaniment