i. declaration; hüquq ~si declaration of rights; sülh ~si declaration of peace
s. white; qar kimi ~ as white as snow, snow-white; ~ gecələr “white nights”, “midnight sun”
f. to turn / to grow* white
i. whiteness
əd. d.d. 1. oh, really? Bəyəm o Bakıdadır? Is he / she really in Baku?, Oh, is he / she in Baku Bəyəm o haqlıdır? Is he / she really right? 2
f. to cause / to force smb. to like smb. / smth., to make* smb. approve smth
f. bax bəyəndirmək
f. to be* liked; to be* approved
i. approval
fi. approval, the act of approving
f. 1. to approve (d., of); bir kəsin cavabını / hərəkətini ~ to approve (of) smb.’s answer / way of acting; planı / protokolu ~ to approve a plan / a
fi. (keçi) bleating
f. (keçi) to bleat
i. bleat
f. to cause / to force (d.) to bleat
I. i. 1. nobleness, nobility 2. məc. suprema cy II. s. 1. of a bey; ~ titulu title of a bey; 2.: ~ paltarı clothes made for one’s wedding, clothes for
s. handsome, impressive, imposing; ~ kişi a man of hansome presence
fi. bleat(ing) together (of goats)
f. to bleat together (of goats); Keçilər bəyrişir The goats are bleating
i. 1. (bəy oğlu) bey’s son, noble man’s son; 2. (alicənab) a noble man*, one belonging to the gentry; məc
i. nobility, nobleness
fi. adornment; decoration, ornamentation; gəlinin ~si the adornment to the bride; küçənin / şəhərin və s
f. to be* adorned; to be* decorated (with) / ornamented (with); Küçələr bayraqlarla bəzədilmişdi The streets were decorated with flags
I. i. adornment, decoration, ornament; yapma bəzəyi stucco moulding; ~ vermək / vurməq bax bəzəmək II
i. bax bəzək I
s. bax bəzəkli
i. 1. decorator; 2. a woman who adorns the bride; 3. d.d. joker, jester
i. the profession of a decorator
f. bəzənmək
s. 1. decorated, ornamented; welldressed; 2. stained; ~ şüşə stained glass; ~ kağız stained paper
s. (i.s.) without decoration / ornament / adornment; plain, common
i. 1. plainness; 2. the state of being without decoration / ornament
f. 1. to array (d. in), to adorn (d.), to dress up (d.); gəlini ~ to adorn / to dress up the bride; otağı çiçəklə ~ to adorn the room with flowers; 2
z. sometimes, at times, from time to time, now and then
z. to be* adorned / arrayed / dressed up; Gəlin bəzəndirildi The bride was adorned / dressed up
f. bax bəzəmək
f. bax bəzənmək (1-ci mənada)
f. 1. to adorn oneself, to dress up, to array oneself, daş-qaşla ~ to adorn oneself with jewels; Qadın özünü daşqaşla bəzədi The woman adorned herself
f. 1. to ask / to cause smb. to adorn (d.) / to dress up (d.); 2. to ask / to cause smb. to decorate (d
f. bax bəzətdirmək
i. zool. little bustard
əv. some; ~ adamlar some people; ~ vaxt some time; onlardan ~ləri some of them; ~ləri some, some people; Bəziləri deyir ki, o yaxşı həkimdir Some say
i. arx. bax tacir
i. some; şagirdlərin ~ some of the pupils; kitabların ~ some of the books
I. i. knife; xörək bıçağı table knife; meyvə bıçağı fruit-knife; bir kəsi ~la vurmaq to set* / to stick* / to put* a knife into smb
i. knife-grinder
i. knife-maker, cutler
f. to knife (d.)
f. to be* knifed, to get* a knife wound
fi. knifing, knife-fight