z. haughtily, boastfully, arrogantly; ~ danışmaq to speak* haughtily / arrogantly
i. little / small rucksack; ◊ boş ~ windbag; ◊ qoz dağarcığı idle talker, windbag, chatterbox; ◊ sirr dağarcığı a store of secrets
s. lowland; ~ ərazilər lowland areas
i. mountainside
i. foothills pl
s. devastating, destructive, ruinous; destroying; ~ tufan a devastating / a destructive storm; ~ müharibələr ruinous wars; ~ xərclər ruinous expenditu
i. devastation, ruination; dissipation, squandering
fi. 1. destruction, demolition, tam ~ complete / utter destruction; 2. dispersion, scattering; 3. ravage, devastation, ruin; squandering
f. 1. to be* destroyed / demolished; tam ~ to be* completely destroyed / demolished; 2. to be* scattered / dispersed; 3
s. indestructable; firm, solid
i. indestructability; firmness, solidity, solidness
fi. going away; (müxtəlif səmtə) dispersing; (iclas və s.) breaking up
f. 1. to go* away; (müxtəlif səmtə) to disperse; Buludlar dağılışdı The clouds have dispersed; 2. (iclas, yığıncaq və s
fi. 1. disintegration, collapsing; müstəmləkə sisteminin ~sı disintegration of the colonial system; binanın ~sı collapse of a building; 2
f. 1. to disintegrate, to collapse; Müstəmləkə sistemi dağıldı The colonial system disintegrated; Müxalifət dağıldı The opposition has collapsed; 2
z.: ~ etmək to disintegrate (d.) completely, to destroy / to ruin (d.) utterly; ~ olmaq to be* disintegrated completely, to get* destroyed utterly
s. 1. uncoordinated; (xalq) sparse, scattered; (bina və s.) straggling; ~ evlər straggling houses; (əlaqəsiz) disconnected, inconnected, incoherent; 2
i. 1. disorderliness, dispersedness, sparseness; 2. (fikir və s.) disconnectedness, incoherence; absent-mindedness, destruc tion
i. 1. destruction, demolition; tam ~ complete / utter destruction; yanğın ~sı destruction by fire; küçənin ~ları demolitions of the street; 2
i. dislocation, destruction, ruin, dev astation; iqtisadi ~ economic dislocation
s. Daghestani; ~ əhalisi daghestani population
i. Dag(h)estani
f. 1. to ask / to cause smb. to destroy (d.), to ask / to cause smb. to bring (d.) to ruin; 2. to ask / to cause smb
fi. 1. destruction, demolition; tam ~ complete / utter destruction; 2. (iclası, yığıncağı və s.) dispersal; 3
f. 1. to destroy (d.) to demolish (d.), to wreck (d.); binanı ~ to destroy / to demolish a building; tamam ~ to rase / to raze (to the ground); xalq t
i. zool. Caucasian goat
i. zool. elk
i. zool. moufflon
i. bot. poppy
fi. 1. branding, cauterization; 2. məc. wounding smb.’s feelings deeply, causing smb. a great grief / sorrow
f. 1. to brand (d.), to cauterize (-ise) (d.); 2. məc. to wound smb.’s feelings deeply / profoundly, to cause smb
fi. 1. stamping, branding; 2. tib. cauterization, searing
f. 1. to be* branded; 2. məc. to be* wounded on the feelings deeply
f. to ask / to cause smb. to brand (d.)
f. bax dağlatdırmaq
I. i. mountain-dweller, mountainee; (Şotlandiyada) Highlander II. s. 1. branded; (i.s.) with brand on, (i
I. i. upland, highland, mountainous place / area II. s. mountainous, hilly; ~ ölkə mountainous / hilly country
i. zool. hamster
s. upland, highland; ~ park upland park
I. z. no longer, now; Onlar daha burada yaşamır(lar) They live here no longer; Sən daha uşaq deyilsən You are no longer a child; Sən daha böyüksən You
I. i. genius (pl. geniuses); ~ olmaq to be* a genius II. s. of genius; ~ bəstəkar / şair / yazıçı və s
z. as a genius, like a genius; brilliantly
i. (adam haq.) genius: (fəaliyyət və s.) greatness; brilliance; Nizaminin dahiliyi the genius of Nizami
z. bax dahicəsinə
I. s. great, brilliant; (i.s.) of genius; ~ rəssam / kəşf / yenilik və s. great artist / discovery / invention, etc
i. bax dahilik
i. (dükanda) cashbox; yanmayan ~ strong-box; money-box
i. cashier
i. the job of a cashier
i. interior; inside; ölkənin ~i the interior of the country; otağın ~i the inside of the room; ~ etmək to include (d