i. tex. jack; ~la qaldırmaq to jack up (d.), to lift with a jack (d.), Maşını domkratla qaldır Jack up the car
I. i. tex. blast-furnace II. s.: ~ sobası blast-furnace
i. blast-furnace operator
f. to squirm; to get* / to become* squirmed
s. squirmed; timid
I. i. dress, gown, frock; axşam ~u evening dress / gown; baharın yaşıl ~u green dress of spring; ◊ ~a girmək to pretend to be, to put* on a mask; ◊ Gö
I. i. fleet; marine; hərbi dəniz ~sı navy; dəniz ~sı marine; hava ~sı air force, air fleet; çay ~sı inland water transport; mülki ~ (ticarət ~sı) merc
i. seaman*, sailor
I. i. ice cream; bir pay ~ a portion of ice cream; şokoladlı ~ chocolate ice cream II. fi. freezing; refrigeration; ◊ ~ şumu k
i. bax dondurmasatan
i. the job of an ice-cream mould
f. to freeze (d.), to refrigerate (d.), ət ~ to freeze / to refrigerate meat; qiymətləri ~ to freeze prices
i. 1. (kişi) ice-cream vendor; ice-cream man*; 2. (qadın) ice-cream vendor, ice-crean woman*
I. i. ice-box, refrigerator; d.d. fridge, frig II. s. refrigerating; ~ qurğu refrig erating plant; ~ avadanlıq refrigerating equipment
f. to be* frozen / refrigerated
fs. frozen, refrigerated; ~ ət / çolpa frozen / refrigerated meat / chicken; ~ ərzaq frozen / refrigerated food
i. Don Juan; philanderer
i. philandering
i. Quixote
i. quixotism, quixotry
I. i. hump; hunchback II. s. hunched, hunchbacked, humped, humpbacked
I. i. bax donqar I II. s. bax donqar II
s. (i.s.) with an aquiline nose; hooked / aquiline nose
s. bax donqarburun
f. to arch (d.), to hunch (d.); belini ~ to arch one’s back; Pişik belini donqarladı The cat arched her back
f. to become* / to get* hunched / arched
f. bax donqarlatmaq
f. bax donqarlanmaq
f. to arch (d.), to hunch (d.)
s. 1. (i.s.) with hump, (i.s.) having hump; 2. bax donqar
i. the state of being humpbacked / hunched / arched
f. 1. to grumble, to mutter; O, öz-özünə donquldadı She / He muttered to herself / himself; 2. (ayı) to growl
f. bax donquldamaq
f. 1. to grumble / to mutter together; 2. (ayılar) to growl together
f. 1. to cause smb. to grumble / to mutter; 2. (ayı) to cause to growl (d.)
i. 1. grumble, mutter; 2. (ayı səsi) growl
s. (i.s.) dressed in gown, (i.s.) having a dress on; (i.s.) in a dress
I. i. salary, (rate of) pay II. i. fabric suitable / fit for a dress; dress material
fi. freezing; ~ nöqtəsi freezing-point
f. 1. to freeze; to be* frozen, to get* / to become* frozen; 2. (bərk üşümək) to freeze* to death; to be* stiff with cold; Su 0 dərəcədə donurWater fr
fs. 1. frozen; ~ ət / çolpa frozen meat / chicken; 2. stiff, numb; soyuqdan ~ numb / stiff with cold
I. i. donor; (qan verən) blood donor II. s. donor
i. denunciation (of), information (against)
i. informer; sneak, a sneaky person
s. dressless; (i.s.) without dress, (i.s.) having no dress
f. to freeze; to be* struck (with); to stand* rigid / paralysed (with); qorxudan ~ to freeze / to be* struck with fear; yerində ~ to stop short / dead
f. to cause smb. to become torpid; to cause smb. to grow torpid
i. torpidity, torpidness; dumbness
fi. becoming torpid, growing torpid
f. 1. to become* torpid / dumb, to be* struck (with); 2. məc. to grow* torpid / dumb; təəccübdən ~ to grow* dumb with surprise, to be* striken dumb wi