I. i. son; child; öz xalqının oğlu son of his people, his country’s son; zəmanəsinin oğlu child of the epoch / age II
i. 1. children; d.d. kids; 2. family, household; ~ sahibi the master of the household
s. childless, (i.s.) having no children
i. bax oğulcuq
i. sonny, little son
i. adopted son, stepson; oğulluğa götürmək to adopt (d.), to filial (d.); ~ borcu filial duty; ~ etmək to be* a son, to act / to behave as a son
f. 1. to steal (d.); (xırda şeyləri) to pilfer (d.), to filch (d.), to pinch (d.); bir kəsdən bir şey ~ to steal / to filch smth
f. 1. to be* stolen / filched; 2. (adam) to be* kindapped; 3. (təyyarə və s.) to be* hijacked
f. 1. to ask / to cause smb. to steal (d.), to force smb. to pilfer (d.) / to filch (d.); 2. (adamı) to ask / to cause smb
f. bax oğurlatdırmaq
I. i. 1. stealing, theft; (xırda) pilfering; filching; pinching; hüq. larnceny; (ev yarmaq) burglary; ~ etmək; ~la məşğul olmaq to be* a thief*, to co
I. i. oghuz ( a turkish tribe) II. s. oghuz; ~ qəbilələri oghuz tribes
nid. oh!, ah!
nid. oho!
i. 1. arrow; məc. shaft; ~un ucu arrow head; ~ atmaq to shoot* an arrow; 2. axis (pl. axes); maqnit ~u magnetic axis; yer kürəsinin ~u terrestrial axi
i. bax yay-ox
f. to massage (d.), to rub (d.)
f. to be* massaged, to be* rubbed
f. bax oxalatmaq
f. to ask / to cause s.o. to massage (d.) / to rub (d.)
i. 1. archer; 2. astr. ~ bürcü the Archer, Sagittarius
nid. oh, how pleasant it is! Oh, how nice! Pretty it is!
i. quiver; bir ~ ox a quiver full of arrows
i. rolling-pin
f. to roll (out) (d.)
f. to be* rolled
f. bax oxlovlatmaq
f. to ask / to cause s.o. to roll (d.)
s. 1. (i.s.) with an arrow; (i.s.) having an arrow; 2.: ~ kirpi zool. porcupine
I. f. 1. to be* like (d.), to resemble (d.), to bear* resemblance (to); 2. to caress (d.), to fondle (d
s. alike, like, resembling; analogous; çox ~ rather like; ~ olmaq to be* like / alike; to resemble (d
i. similarity; analogy; oxşarlığa görə by analogy (with), on the analogy (of)
f. 1. to make* alike (d.), to liken (d. to); to imitate (d.); 2. dilç. to assimilate (d. to, with)
i. likeness; resemblance; ailə ~ı family likeness
s. bax oxvari
I. i. reading; sürətli ~ cursory reading; şer ~su recitation; sakit / səssiz ~ silent reading II. s. reading; ~ zalı reading-hall, reading-room
I. i. reader; yaxşı ~ great reader; pis ~ poor reader II. s. reader’s; ~ konfransı readers’ conference
f. 1. to read* (d.); ucadan ~ to read* aloud; ürəyində ~ to read* to oneself; cəld / sürətlə ~ to be* a quick reader; mühazirə ~ to give* / to deliver
s. educated, learned; ~ adam educated person, person / man* of education
s. (mənaca) readable; (xətt baxımından) legible; easy; easy to read; ~ kitab və s. readable book, etc
i. readability, legibility
f. 1. to be* read; 2. to be* sung
s. illegible; difficult to read; ~ olmaq to be* illegible / difficult to read
i. illegibility
f. 1. to help / to support to study; to make* smb. study / go* to school; to teach* (d.); 2. to educate (d
f. bax oxutdurmaq
z. 1. (while) reading; 2. (while) singing, in a singing voice; 3. (while) studying
I. i. 1. one who reads; 2. (oğlan) schoolboy, (qız) schoolgirl; 3. singer; (kişi) songster, (qadın) songstress d
f. bax çalıb-oxumaq
f. to read* to the end (of a book, etc.)