i. the profession of an essayist / essay-writer
i. essayist, essay-writer; (qəzet və jurnal üçün yazan) feature-writer
i. fire; ~ almaq 1) to fetch fire; 2) to flame up, to flare up; ~ vurmaq to set* fire(to), to set* on fire (d
i. fire and flame
s. fireproof, refractory; ~ kərpiç fire-brick, refractory brick; ~ gil fire clay; ~ etmək to fireproof (d
i. the quality of bearing high temperatures
s. not able to bear high temperatures
i. the quality of not bearing high temperatures
i. bax vulkan
i. bax yanğın I
i. eau-de-Cologne
f. to burn* (down, up) (d.), to set* fire (to), to set* / to put* on fire (d.)
f. bax odlamaq
f. to catch* fire, blaze up, to take* fire; məc. to take* fire, to become inflamed, to fly into a rage
f. bax odlatmaq
f. to force / to ask smb. to burn (d.), to cause smb. to set* smth. on fire
s. fiery; passionate; ~ məhəbbət passionate love; ~ silah fire-arm (s) (pl.)
s. passionately, with great passion, fiery; ~ gözlər fiery eyes; ~ nitqlər fiery speeches
i. passionate character, the state of being hot-tempered / quick tempered
z. in the state of extreme emotion / agitation, without thinking; bir işi ~ etmək / görmək to do* some work without thinking
i. 1. furnace, fire-box; 2. fuse; (silahda) primer
i. tib. odontology
s. tib. odontologic
i. tib. odontologist
s. fire-spitting; ~ dağ bax vulkan I
i. hərb. flame-thrower
i. bax yanğınsöndürən
s. (i.s.) without fire, fireless
s. (i.s.) without fire and flame
s. (i.s.) without fire and hearth
I. i. firewood II. s. wood; ~ anbarı wood-yard, woodstore; ~ damı woodshed
i. zool. capricorn beetle
i. wood
i. wood-cutter
i. wood-chopper
i. firewood merchant
s. (i.s.) without firewood, (i.s.) having no firewood
i. the state of having no firewood
nid. ugh!, oh!
i. 1. kid; 2. astr. Capricorn; ~ bürcü astr. Tropic of Capricorn
I. i. boy; lad; fellow II. s. ~ uşağı little boy, laddie; ~ evi the family / home of fiance
i. little boy, laddie; poor boy
i. procurer, pander, pimp; (qadın) procuress
i. procuration, pandering, pimping; ~ etmək to procure, to pander, to pimp
I. i. thief; (xırda şeylər oğurlayan) pilferer; (cibgir) pick-pocket; (adam oğrusu) kidnapper; (təyyarə və s
i. bax oğru I
i. the chief of the thieves
I. s. stealthy; ~ baxış stealthy glance; ~ pıçıltı stealthy whisper; ~ baxış (pis iş məqamında) surreptitious look II
z. bax oğrun II
z. secretly, in secret, surreptitiously, by stealth, on the quiet, stealthily; ~ baxmaq to look (at) stealthily; ~ getmək to steal* away / out; bir kə