s. socialized
f. to socialize (d.)
f. to become* socialized
i. socialism; elmi ~ scientific socialism; ~ qurmaq to build* up socialism; ~ cəbhəsi countries of the socialist camp / world; ~ yarışı socialist emul
i. sociology
s. sociologic(al)
i. sociologist
Sovet I. i. Soviet; Ali ~ Supreme Soviet; İttifaq ~i Soviet of the Union; Millətlər ~i Soviet of Nationalities; deputatlar ~i Soviet of Deputies; vila
f. to sovietize (d.)
fi. sovietization
f. to get* / to become* sovietized
i. state farm, sovkhoz
i. present; sending; ~ vermək to make* a present (i.); ~ göndərmək to send* a present (i.)
f. bax qurtarmaq
f. 1. k.t. to be* winnowed; 2. to be* spent in vain; ◊ göyə ~ to be* destroyed completely
f. k.t. to winnow (d.)
i. 1. the remains / leavings after winnowing; 2. snow-storm
f. to be* over, to be* past; Qış sovuşdu Winter is over; Təhlükə sovuşdu The danger is past
i. family; ~a çəkmək to take* after one’s family
i. family name, second name
f. 1. to ask / to cause smb. to skin (d.); (meyvəni və s.) to ask / to cause smb. to peel (d.); 2. to cause smb
f. bax soydurmaq
f. 1. (heyvan) to be* skinned; 2. (meyvə və s.) to be* peeled; 3. to be* robbed / plundered
i. robbery, pillage, plundering
I. i. robber, burglar, plunderer II. s. predatory, predacous; ~ qəbilələr predatory tribes
I. i. robbery; pillage; plunder( ing); ~ etmək to rob (d. ), to plunder (d.) II. s. predatory; (qiymətdə) extortionate; exorbitant; ~ müharibələri pre
f. 1. to strip (d.), to strip off (d.); (meyvəni və s.) to peel (d.); dərini ~ to skin (d.), to strip the skin off (d
I. i. refrigerator, fridge; (şərab üçün) wine-cooler II. s. refrigeratory, refrigerating; ~ qurğu refrigerating plant; ~ avadanlıq refrigerating equip
f. to cause smth. to become cool / cold
s. cold-resistant; ~ dənli bitkilər cold-resistant varieties of cereals
i. cold-resistance
I. i. cold, cold weather; üç dərəcə ~ three degrees below zero; ~ dəymək to catch* cold, to take* / to catch* a chill; bərk ~ piercing cold; ~ dan əsm
z. bax soyuq III
i. cold, chill; ~ si olmaq to catch* cold, to take / to catch* a chill
I. s. cold-blooded; cruel II. z. cold-bloodedly: ~ danışmaq to speak* cold-bloodedly
i. cold-bloodedness
z. cold-bloodedly
i. bax soyuqdəymə
f. to catch* cold, to take / to catch* a chill, to have* a cold
f. to get* cold; Hava soyuqlaşır The weather is getting cold
f. to let* smb. catch cold, to let* smb. take / catch a chill
i. coldness, frigidness, frigidity; havanın soyuqluğu frigidity of the air
s. slightly cold / frigid, coldish
f. 1. to be* stripped / skinned; (ağac) to be* barked; (meyvə və s.) to be* peeled; (yumurta) to be* shelled; 2
f. 1. to get* / to become* cold; to get* cool; to cool down; 2. məc. to lose* interest (in), to grow* cold (to), to be* chilly in one’s relations; to
f. to undress (d.), to help smb. to undress; Uşağı soyundur Undress the baby / the child
f. to ask / to force smb. to undress / to strip (d.) off
f. to be* undressed / srtipped
f. to undress, to strip off; to get* undressed, to take* off one’s clothes; lüt ~ to strip naked; to strip to the skin; paltosunu ~ to take* off one’s
fs. 1. boiled; ~ yumurta boiled egg; ~ mal əti boiled beef; ~ çolpa / toyuq boiled chicken; 2. cooling