f. bax söylətmək
f. to cause / to force smb. to tell (of, about); to cause smb. to chatter (of, about)
f. to swear* (at); to abuse (d.); to rail (d.); to use bad language
I. i. bot. willow; salxım ~ weeping willow; qızıl ~ osier II. s. willow; ~ yarpağı willow leaf; ~ ağacı willow tree
s. (i.s.) having / with many willows
i. osier; osier-bed; willow thicket, willow grove
f. to be* sworn / abused
i. abuse, swearing; Uşaqların yanında / qarşısında söyüş söymə Stop swearing in front of the children; swear-word, bad language; ~ etmək bax söymək
s. bax söyüşkən II
i. the character of using bad language
s. bax söyüşkən I
f. to cause to swear each other, to force to abuse one another
I. i. swearer, habitual user of bad language II. s. swearing, abusive; quarrelsome
f. to swear* / to abuse each other, to use bad language
i. 1. word; 2. promise; 3. rumour, hearsay; ~ açmaq to start a conversation (about); ~-~ü gətirər one topic leads to another; ~ anlamaq to be* quick;
i. hearsay; talk; rumour; Sözsöhbət gəzir It is rumoured, Rumours are afloat; Mənə söz-söhbət çatır Rumours reach me
z. bax sözbəsöz
z. by the way; incidentally
i. epilogue
i. gossip; tale-bearer; (davakar) scandal-monger; ~ olmaq to be* a gossip / tale-bearer
i. the act of gossiping; ~ etmək to gossip; to tell* tales
z. word by word, word for word
s. unanimous; ~ olmaq to be* unanimous
i. unanimity
s. qram. word-changing; ~ şəkilçi word-changing suffix
fi. qram. word-changing
s. qram. word-building, derivational; ~ şəkilçi word-building / derivational suffix
i. qram. word-building
s. obedient, dutiful; ~ uşaq obedient child*; ~ oğul / xidmətçi dutiful son / servant
i. obedience, dutifulness
s. bax sözəbaxmaz
s. disobedient, refractory; naughty; ~ uşaq a disobedient / naughty child*; ~ at a refractory horse
s. bax sözəbaxan
z. by the by, by the way
I. i. gossip, gossiper, tell-tale II. s. gossiply; ~ qonşular gossiply neighbours
s. recalcitrant, disobedient; proud, haughty
i. recalcitrance, recalcitrancy, disobedience; haughtiness
i. one who likes to dispute (about, against) / to agrue (about, against) in vain / to no purpose
s. sensible, reasonable; ~ adam a reasonable / sensible man*
i. collusion; agreement
f. 1. to collude; to come* to an agreement (with) / arrangement; to make* an appointment (with+to inf
s.: ~ adam one who wants to say smth. / to speak
i. glossary, the list of words
i. dilç. preposition
I. s. unconditional, unreserved; ~ təslim unconditional surrender; ~ inam / etibar unreserved confidence II
z. without speaking, unconditionally
z. without speaking, without saying a word, silently
s.: ~ adam a man of his word; ~ olmaq to be* as good as one’s word
i. the quality of keeping one’s word
s. bax sözübütöv