z. unceremoniously; impudently
i. 1. loneliness, seclusion; 2. one, unity; 3. one-manat note; 4. solitude, retirement; ~də qalmaq to find* oneself isolated / in isolation
z. alone, solitarily; ~ yaşamaq to live in solitarily / alone, to live in solitariness; ~ oturmaq to sit alone; tamamı ilə ~ all / quite alone; ~ qalm
s. single-barrelled; ~ silah single-barrelled gun
s. bax təklülə
s. bax birmənalı
i. bax birmənalıq
i. 1. completion; 2. perfection; 3. all, the whole of; ~ etmək to complete (d.); to conclude (d. with), to finish (d
fi. perfection; additional training; ixtisası ~ kursu course for improving one’s qualification, extension course
f. to perfect (d.), to improve (d.); öz biliyini ~ to improve one’s knowledge; modeli ~ to perfect the model
f. to improve oneself, to be* / to become* improved
f. to become* / to get* perfected; to cause to become / to get improved
i. trough
i. little / small trough
i. trough-maker
s. trough-shaped, troughlike
I. i. repetition; (çox dəfə) reiteration; ~ etmək to repeat (d.); (çox dəfə) to reiterate (d.); sözü ~ etmək to repeat the word; səhvi ~ etmək to repe
z. bax təkrar II
s. unique; inimitable; ~ gözəllik unique beauty
z. repeatedly; again and again; ~ demək to say* repeatedly / again and again
fi. repetition; reiteration
f. to repeat (d.); to reiterate (d.); dərsi ~ to repeat the lesson
f. to be* repeated; (çox dəfə) to be* reiterated
i. bax təkrarlatmaq
f. to cause smb. to repeat (d.); to cause smb. to reiterate (d.)
s. bax təkraredilməz
s. one-voiced
s. qram. one-member; ~ cümlə a one-member sentence
i. individual peasant
i. refutation, disproof, denial; bəyanatın ~i refutation of a statement; ~ etmək to refute (d.), to disprove (d
s. irrefutable; undeniable, indisputable, incontestable; ~ sübut incontrovertible evidence; ~ arqument an irrefutable argument; ~ sübut irrefutable pr
i. the state or quality of being irrefutable / incontestable
s. bax təkzibedilməz
i. bax təkzibedilməzlik
I. i. 1. grant; (adlı təqaüd) scholarship; (aspirantlar üçün təqaüd) research grant; ~ almaq to get* a grant; ~ vermək to give* a grant; 2
i. 1. pensioner; 2. (tələbə) grantaided student; grant-holder
i. assignment, allotment; placing at smb.’s disposal; ~ etmək to present (d. i; with d.); (tanış etmək) to introduce (d
i. presentation; representation
i. estimation; appraisal; appreciation; ~ etmək to estimate (d.), to appraise (d.); to approve (d.)
s. estimable; (i.s.) worth of esteem; ~ davranış an estimable behaviour
i. 1. respect, honouring, esteem; 2. worship, reverence; ~ etmək 1) to honour (d.), to respect (d.), to esteem (d
i. 1. pursuit; chase; 2. (sıxışdırma) persecution, victimization; 3. hüq. prosecution; ~ etmək 1) (arxasınca qaçmaq) to pursue (d
i. persecutor
i. imitation; ~ etmək to imitate (d.)
i. imitator
i. the act of imitation
z. approximately; roughly
s. approximate; rough; ~ rəqəm approximate figure; ~ miqdar / say approximate number
i. bax bölmə
i. fault, guilt; bir kəsin ~i üzündən / ucundan through smb.’s fault; ~ini boynuna almaq / götürmək to admit / acknowledge one’s guilt; hüq