s. tib. dysenteric; (i.s.) suffering from dysentery
z.: ~ sürünmək to crawl on all fours; ~ süründürmək to make* smb. crawl on all fours
f. to ask / to cause smb. to salt (d.); (tərəvəzi) to ask / to cause smb. to pickle (d.); (əti) to ask / to cause smb
f. to knee (d.), to hit* with the knee (d.)
f. to be* kneed
f. bax dizlətmək
f. to ask / to cause smb. to knee (d.)
i. breeches, pants, underpants
s. thick-lipped; ~ qız / arvad / kişi və s. a thick lipped girl / woman* / man*, etc
i. the quality of having thicklips
s. bax dodağıqalın
i. bax dodağıqalınlıq
I. i. lip; yuxarı ~ upper lip; aşağı ~ lower lip; dodağını dişləmək to bite* one’s lip; ◊ dodağını sallamaq to be* sulky (with), to be* in the sulks (
z. lips to lips; ~ öpüşmək to kiss lips to lips, to kiss on each other’s lips
z.: ~ danışmaq to mutter (into one’s beard); ~ zümzümə etmək to hum, to sing in a law voice, to hum a song
z. 1. brimful; stəkanı ~ doldurmaq to fill a glass brimful; 2. lips to lips
i. ədəb. dodaqdaymaz (a kind of ashug poem in which labial are not used)
z. brimful: ~ doldurmaq to fill brimful (with); O qənddanı qəndlə dodaqlama doldurdu She / He filled the bowl brimful with sugar
s. dilç. labialized, rounded; ~ samitlər labialized consonants, labials
i. dilç. labialization
f. to labialize; to be* labialized
s. (i.s.) with lips, (i.s.) having lips; thick-lipped
z. bax dilucu II
s. lip-shaped
i. dogramaj (food consisting of sour milk and some chopped greens and cucumber)
s. 1. zool. viviparous; ~ balıq a vivipa rous fish; 2. (i.s.) able to give birth (to descendants); ~ qadın woman* in childbirth
i. hook (a wooden hooked bar fastened at the end of a rope for tying a knot)
s.: ~ qoyun ewe able to give birth to a lamb; ~ donuz sow, sow able to give birth to a piglet
I. i. birth, childbirth, delivery, childbearing, childbed; asan ~ easy birth / delivery; vaxtından əvvəl ~ premature birth II
f. 1. to give* birth (to); məc. to give* rise (to); (at) to foal; (qoyun) to lamb; (inək) to calve; (maral) to fawn; (pişik) to kitten; (donuz) to far
i. kindred, kinship, relationship, cognate
z.: ~ etmək to cut* / to chop (d.) into pieces; ~ olmaq to be* cut / chopped into pieces
f. 1. (ağacı) to fell (d.); (odunu) to hew (d.), to hack (d.), to chop (d.); 2. (əti) to mince, to chop (d
f. to be* cut / chopped / sliced (into pieces)
f. 1. to be* cut / chopped; 2. (ağac) to be* hewed (down) / hacked down; 3. (ət) to be* minced / chopped; 4
f. 1. to ask / to cause smb. to cut (d.); 2. (ağacı) to ask / to cause smb. to hew (d.) / to hack (d
f. bax doğratdırmaq
I. s. 1. true, right, sound, correct; ~ qərar a true / right / sound decision; yeganə ~ yol the only true way; 2
I. s. bax doğru I II. z. bax doğru II
z. truthfully, honestly, uprightly
s. truthful, upright; ~ adam a truthful / an upright man*
i. truthfulness, uprightness, honesty; Doğruçuluq ən yaxşı siyasətdir at. söz. Honesty is the best policy
z. indeed, really; verily; Doğrudan da Really; Doğrudanmı? Really? Bu, doğrudan da səhvdir Indeed, It’s a mistake
z. bax doğrudan
f. to come* true, to turn out true; to be* confirmed / corroborated; Şayiələr doğrulur The rumours are confirmed / corroborated
f. 1. to justify (d.); ümidi ~ to justify hope; bir kəsin etimadını ~ to justify smb.’s confidence / trust; özünü ~ to justify oneself; 2
i. correctness, accuracy; faithfulness; uprightness
s. truthful, upright, veracious; ~ adam truthful / upright man*
ara s. to tell (you) the truth; Doğrusu, mən onu tanımıram To tell the truth, I don’t know him / her
s. likely, probable, verisimilar; ~ nəticə a probable result; ~ əhvalat a likely story