s. bax doğruyabənzər
i. The East
fi. giving birth (to); propagating
f. biol. to propagate; Həşəratlar yumurta vasitəsilə doğub-törəyirlər Insects propagate themselves by means of eggs
s. barren, sterile, infertile
i. barrenness, sterility, infertility
f. 1. to give* birth (to a num ber of children), to bring* into the world (a number of children); 2. to procreate (d
fi. birth; ~ günü birthday; ~ yeri birthplace; ~ gecəsi birthnight; ~ tarixi date of birth
f. to be* born; məc. to come* into being / existence; kor / kar / lal və s. ~ to be* born blind / deaf / dumb, etc
f. 1. to be* born in great number, to be* propagated; 2. to come* into being / existence in great number
i. bax doğulma
I. i. childbirth, delivery II. s. delivery, maternity lying-in; ~ şöbəsi delivery room; ~ evi maternity home / hospital, lying-in hospital / home
f. 1. to provoke (d.), to give* rise (to); (güclü hisslər) to stir up (d.), to excite (d.), to rouse (d
i. 1. birth, delivery, childbirth, lyingin, childbed; asan ~ easy birth / delivery; çətin ~ difficult birth / delivery; vaxtından əvvəl ~ premature bi
f. 1. to help to give birth to a child; to deliver; Onlar arvadı doğuzdurdular They delivered the woman; 2
f. 1. to be* helped to give birth (to), to be* helped to deliver; 2. (heyvan) to be* helped to breed
sy. ninety; ~ bir ninety-one; ~ iki ninety-two; ~ birinci, ~ ikinci və s. ninetyfirst, ninety-second, etc
sy. only / just ninety
sy. ninetieth; ~ səhifə page ninety; ~ illərin əvvəllərində in the early nineties; ~ illərin sonunda in the late nineties; ~ illər the nineties
s. ninety-year-old; (i.s.) of nine ty; ~ kişi ninety-year-old man*; a man* of ninety
i. dock
i. docker
i. 1. doctor, physician; ~ olmaq to be* a doctor / physician; 2. (elmi dərəcə) doctor (qısa forması Dr; filologiya elmləri ~u doctor of philology
i. person working for doctor’s degree
I. i. 1. the profession of a doctor; 2. the state of being a doctor II. s.: ~ dissertasiyası thesis for a Doctor’s degree; ~ dərəcəsi Doctor’s degree
i. doctrine, teaching, tenet
i. path (in the village), narrow way (in the village)
sy. nine
s. (i.s.) of nine months; ninemonth old
sy. just nine, only nine
s. (i.s.) of nine days, nine-day
s. (i.s.) of nine years; nine-yearold
i. nine; (qurmaqda) the nine (of); ~ ürək (qumar kağızında) the nine of hearts
i. a nine-storeyed building
s. nine-storeyed; ~ bina a nine-storeyed building
s. riyaz. nine-digit, ninefigure( s)
sy. ninth
s. nine-year-old, (i.s.) of nine
s. nine-year-old, (i.s.) of nine; ~ uşaq a child of nine, a nine-year-old child
s. dogmatic
i. bax doqmatizm
i. dogmatism
i. wall-cupboard, built-in cupboard, (built-in) closet
i. 1. (ayaq üçün) foot-binding; 2. (qıç üçün) puttee; 3. el. winding
i. winder
f. to wind* (round d.); ayaqlarını ~ to wind* round one’s feet (with foot-bindings); qıçlarını ~ to wind* round one’s legs (with puttees)
f. to be* wound; (ayaqlar) to be* wound round (with foot-bindings); (qıçlar) to be* wound round (with puttees)
f. bax dolaqlatmaq
f. to ask / to cause smb. to wind (round d.) ayaqlarını ~ to ask / to cause smb. to wind one’s feet (with foot-bindings); qıçlarını ~ to ask / to caus
s. wound; (ayaq) (i.s.) being wound round (with foot-bindings); (qıçlar) (i.s.) being wound round (with puttees)