I. i. youth (pl. amer. youths); youngster; ~lar the youth; d.d. the younger generation; the youngsters II
z. youthfully
i. young married woman*; bride; newly married woman*
f. to grow* young again; to look younger; to rejuvenate / rejuvenize
i. youthfulness; youth; cavanlığında in one’s youth
s. d.d. leggy, lanky, long-legged; ~ oğlan (yöndəmsiz) a gangling leggy boy; ~ (hündür) oğlan (adam) a long lanky fellow
i. claw; (yırtıcı quşun) talon; quş caynağı claw of a bird; qartal caynağı talon of an eagle; caynaqlarını göstərmək ≅ to show* one’s claws, to show*
f. to claw (d.), to get* hold of / to pull / to dig* / to tear* with claws
i. to be* clawed, to be* torn / seized / pulled with claws
i. to ask / to cause s.o. to claw (d.), to cause a bird to seize (d.) / to pull (d.) with claws
s. 1. clawed, (i.s.) having claws, (i.s.) armed with claws; 2. d.d. who seizes / grasps strongly; ~ adam a man armed with claws; a clawed man
s. clawless, without claws, (i.s.) having no claws
I. i. (musiqi) jazz; (orkestr) caz; jazz band II. s. jazz; jazzy; caz orkestri jazz band; ~ musiqisi jazz music
I. i. 1. fiz. gravitation, gravity; 2. magnetic force; 3. attractiveness; charm, fascination, inclination, attraction II
s. 1. charming, delightful, fascinating, fascinated, attractive; very pleasing, winning; (tamahlandırıcı) tempting, alluring, inviting; piquant, seduc
s. bax cazibədar
i. piquancy, attractiveness, allurement, fascination, delightfulness
s. charmless, unattractive, not delight ful / fascinating
i. unattractiveness, the quality of being not charming / attractive
i. dowry; ~ vermək to give* dowry to
s. ~ gəlin a bride provided with a dowry
i. destined for (to) dowry; Bu cehizlikdir It is destined for dowry
z. (i.s.) without dowry; ~ gəlin a bride without dowry
i. jemper; kişi ~i pullover
i. gentleman*; əsl ~ true gentleman*; ~ olmaq to be* a gentleman*
i. zool. gazelle
i. 1. (hərbi zavod) arsenal; 2. (silah anbarı) armoury; (hərbi) storeroom
I. i. front, battle-field; (ön cəbhə) battle-front; geniş ~ wide / extended front; ~ də olmaq to be* at the front; ~yə getmək to go* to the front; ide
i. front-line soldier
i. 1. algebra; 2. violence, press; oppression; (əsarət) yoke; compulsion, constraint
z. by force, under compulsion / constraint
i. (time-) table, schedule; list; astronomik ~ astronomical tables; vurma ~i multiplication tables; ölçü və çəki ~i tables of weights and measures; lo
i. suffering; torment, torture; pangs pl.; ~ çəkmək to bear*, to stand*; Cəfasını mən çəkdim, səfasını yad gördü at
I. i. sufferer, martyr II. s. suffering; ~ adam sufferer, martyr
i. martyrdom, torment; suffering; arx. sufference; ~ etmək to make* a martyr of oneself
I. s. absurd, foolish, inept, preposterous; (gülməli) ridiculous; (boş) nonsensical; trifling; Nə qədər də cəfəng! How ridicu lous! What rubbish II
i. drivel, absurdity; d.d. balderdash, nonsense, trash, rot, rubbish; (yalan) stuff and nonsense; hər cür ~ all sorts of nonsense; small / trifling ma
f. to twaddle, to prate, to drivel; to talk nonsense / rot
i. absurdity; ineptitude; nonsense; twaddle; (yalan-palan) tittle-tattle
i. bot. parsley
i. bolt, bar
f. to bolt (d.); to bar (d.); to hook (d.)
f. to be* hooked; to be* bolted
f. to ask / to cause s.o. to bolt (d.)
s. hooked; bolted, barred
s. (i.s.) without a hook, (i.s.) without a bolt
i. (quşun) warble; (zəngulə) trill; ~ vurmaq (quş haq.) to trill, to warble; məc. to trill; to sing* merrily; bülbülün ~i d
i. ignorance, intellectual darkness; lack of culture; obscurantism
i. obscurantist, obscurant
i. obscurantism