f. 1. (qaşlar) to be* frowned / knitted; 2. (silah haq.) to be* piled / stacked
f. 1. d.d. to make* both ends meet; 2. to be* hardly in time
f. to suffice, to be* sufficient, to be* enough, to satisfy; Onun pulu çatışmır He / She is short of money
i. insufficiency, shortcoming, shortage
i. crack, split; (yerdə) cleft, fissure; (dəridə) chap; (məc. münasibətlərdə) breach
f. to crack; (ağac yanan zaman) to crackle; (dəridə) to chap; ◊ Başım çatlayır I have a splitting headache My head is ready to burst
f. to make* smth. crack; to make* smth. chap
I. f. 1. to reach (d.), to arrive (at, in); vağzala ~ to arrive at the station; şəhərə ~ to arrive in the city / town; O, şəhərə çatmadı He / She didn
s. joint browed
i. hərb. sergeant; ~ olmaq to be* a sergeant
I. i. river; stream; dərin ~ a deep river II. s. river’s; ~ kənarı / qırağı river’s bank, the bank of the river III
i. tea-grower
i. 1. (çay becərən) tea-grower; 2. (çayxana işçisi) landlord of tea-room(s), tearoom( s) worker
s. tea-growing; ~ sovxozu tea-growing state farm
i. kettle, tea-kettle
i. tea-room, tea-house
i. tea-lover; ~ olmaq to be* fond of tea, to be* a tea-lover
i. bank of the river, river’s bank
i. (dry) river-bed
i. tea-pot
s.: ~ barmaq little finger
f. 1. to stutter, to stammer; 2. (inamsız danışmaq) to hesitate in speak ing
f. to choke (over), to have* a fit of spluttering; çay içəndə ~ to choke in one’s tea
s. Czech; ~ dili Czech, the Czech language
i. cheque, check; ~i ödəmək to meet* a cheque; ~ yazmaq to draw* a cheque
i. champion; title-holder; dünya ~u world champion, champion of the world; şahmat / boks və s. üzrə ~ chess / boxing, etc
i. championship; futbol ~ı football championship
i. draught; draft amer.; (eskiz, layihə) sketch
i. (kişi) draughtsman*; (qadın) draughtswoman*
i. assortment, sort; variety; malların (geniş) ~i (big) variety / range of goods
f. to assort (d.), to sort (d.), to grade (d.); (ölçüsünə görə) to size (d.); (rənginə görə) to match (d
f. to be* / to get* assorted / sorted
s. bax çeşidləyici II
I. i. sorter; (maşın) sorter, separator II. s. sorting; ~ sex sorting shop; ~ maşın separator
s. (i.s.) of high quality; ~ mal goods of high quality
i. bax bulaq
i. bax eynək
s. bax eynəkli
s. (i.s.) with springs, (i.s.) having springs; ~ dağ mountain with springs
s. quick, prompt, agile, dexterous, nimble, adroit; ~ olmaq to be* quick / adroit
f. to make* smb. quick / prompt / nimble / agile / adroit
f. to become* quick / prompt / agile / dexterous / nimble / adroit
i. dexterity, adroitness, quickness, promptness, agility
f. 1. to turn (d.); sağa / sola ~ to turn (to the) right / (to the) left; 2. turn over (d.); səhifəni ~ to turn over a page; Boçkanı ağzı üstə çevir T
f. 1. to ask / to cause smb. to turn (d.) / to turn over (d.); 2. (tərcümə etdirmək) to ask / to cause smb
i. 1. circle; ~ nin səthi riyaz. area of a circle; 2. contour, outline
f. to encircle (d. with), to surround (d. with), to outline (d.)
f. to be* encircled (with) / surrounded (with) / outlined
f. to ask / to cause smb. to encircle (d.), to ask / to cause smb. to surround (d.) with) / to outline (d
z. round, around; ~ gəzmək / dolaşmaq to walk round / around (d.)