I. s. bax atəşin I II. z. bax atəşin II
i. ardour, hot-headed nature, passionate nature
i. fire-worshipper
i. fire-worship
f. 1. to lift up (d.), to chair (d.) (as mark of esteem or congratulation); 2. (maşın) jolt, shake; Maşın bizi bərk atıb-tutdu The car jolted us viole
I. i. 1. shot; 2. (əsgər) rifleman*: əla ~ expert shot / rifleman*; 3. bax həllac II. s. infantry; shooting; ~ alayı infantry / rifle regiment
I. i. 1. shooting; firing; 2. the profession of a rifleman / gunner II. s. shooting; ~ meydanı shooting-ground, shootingrange; ~ dərnəyi shooting circ
z. skipping, hopping, jumping; ~ gəlmək 1) to skip alone; to come* skipping; 2) to come* with nothing / without carrying out the task; to come* withou
f. 1. to jump up and down; (sevincdən) to jump (for, with), to leap* (with); 2. (sevinmək) to frisk / to caper (about); Quzular çöldə atılıb-düşürdülə
I. f. 1. to throw* (at); bir-birinin üstünə ~ to throw* oneself at each other; Dalaşanlar bir-birinin üstünə atıldılar The fighters threw themselves a
i. bax atımlıq
z. ~ etmək 1) to throw* about (d.); 2) (axtarmaq) to search (through, into), to conduct a search (of), to look through carefully and thoroughly to try
fi. 1. exchange of fire, skirmishing; ~ düşmək / başlamaq to start skirmish; ~ salmaq to provoke / to rouse a skir mish; 2
f. 1. to exchange fire, to fire at each other; 2. məc. to abuse each other / one another; to swear* at each other; Onlar həmişə atışırlar (sözləşirlər
i. 1. charge, supply; bir ~ barıt gunpowder enough for one shot; bir atımlıq çay ~ tea enough for one brew; bir ~ duz enough salt for one use; Bircə a
i. atlama (a soft drink made of water and sour clotted milk)
f. to shake* up (d.)
f. to mount (d.), to set into a saddle (d.)
I. f. to mount a horse; to go* on horseback II. f. 1.( yerindən) to jump up, to give* a jump; 2. (bir şeyin üstündən) to jump over; çayın üstündən ~ t
Atlantik s. Atlantic; ~ paktı the Atlantic pact; ~ okeanı the Atlantic Ocean
i. coğ. atlas, a book of maps
I. i. satin, atlas II. s. satiny, satin; ~ paltar satiny / satin dress; ~ kağız satin / satiny paper
i. athlete; d.d. Hercules
s. athletic; ~ bədən athletic built / body
i. athletics; yüngül ~ track and field athletics; ağır ~ weight-lifting
i. bax atlet
I. i. rider, horseman*; (qadın) horse woman* II. s. mounted; ~ ordu Cavalry; ~ polis mounted police; ~ alay mounted detachment
i. a kind of big ant
i. haricot / French / kidney bean
fi. throwing; casting; püşk ~ casting lots; nizə ~ javelin throwing; disk ~ discus throwing
i. 1. remark; (etiraz əlaməti) retort, rejoinder; 2. (eyham) hint, allusion; ~ atmaq to drop a hint; ~nı anlamaq to take* the hint
I. f. 1. to throw* (d.), to cast* (d.) to hurl (d.), to fling* (d.); d.d. to chuck (d.); daş ~ to throw / to hurl / to fling* stones; bir kəsə daş ~ t
i. zool. horsefly, breeze-fly
I. i. 1. (müxt. mənalarda) atmosphere; 2. air II. s. atmospheric; ~ təzyiqi atmospheric pressure; ~ çöküntü atmospheric precipitation; rainfall
I. i. atom; nişanlı ~ fiz. tagged atom; ~un quruluşu atomic structure II. s. atom ic, atomical; nuclear; ~ çəkisi kim
i. atomist, atomic scientist
i. fəls. atomist
i. atomism
i. fəls. atomism
i. horse-grazer
i. horse-breaker
i. qram., fəls. attribute
s. qram. attributive; ~ əlaqə attributive link / connection; ismin ~ işlənməsi the attributive use of the noun
i. tib. atrophy
i. əcz. atropine
s. horseless; ~ kəndli horseless peasant
s. horse-faced; ~ qadın / kişi a horsefaced man* / woman*
i. attache (fr.)
i. the post of attache
I. i. attestation; ~dan keçirmək to attest (d.) II. s. attestation; ~ komissiyası attestation commission