i. 1. (cihazlar) accessories pl., fittings pl., fixtures pl., 2. tik. rein forcements; dəmir ~ reinforcing steel, steel reinforcement
i. fitter
i. the profession of a fitter
f. tex. to reinforce (d.)
f. tex. to be* reinforced
f. bax armaturlatmaq
f. tex. to ask / to cause smb. to reinforce (d.)
s. (i.s.) with reinforcement; (i.s.) having reinforcement
I. i. pear II. s. pear; ~ ağacı peartree; ~ bağı pear orchard
s. pear-shaped; tex. pyriform
s. long-necked
i. pear orchard, pear grove
s. pear-shaped; ~ stəkan pearshaped glass
s. bax armudabənzər
I. i. Albanian; ~lar the Albanians II. s. Albanian; ~ dili Albanian, the Albanian language
z. Albanian; ~ danışmaq to speak* Albanian
s. aromatic, fragrant; ~ bitkilər aromatic plants
I. i. barley II. s. barley; ~ suyu barley water; ~ dəni barley corn; ~unu barley flour; (heyvan üçün) barley feed; ~ kofesi barley coffee
i. 1. forage, fodder; 2. coarse fod der containing barley and straw
i. (silahda) foresight, front sight; bir kəsi / şeyi arpacığa götürmək (nişan almaq) to take* aim at smb
f. (heyvanı) to feed* with barley (d.)
f. (heyvan) to be* fed with barley
s. (i.s.) mixed with barley
i. barley field; lot / area of land seeded with barley
i. bax pivə
i. mus. arpeggio
i. bax cəbbəxana
I. i. happy-go-lucky fellow, insolent / carefree man* / woman* II. s. 1. boldfaced, happy-go-lucky, light-hearted, careless, care-free; ~ adam a light
s. bax arsız II
z. bax arsız III
s. bax carefree and dis honest
I. s. bax arsız II II. z. bax arsız III
f. bax arsızlaşmaq
f. to become* light-minded / thoughtless / care-free
i. 1. light-mindedness, thoughtlessness; 2. shamelessness, immodesty
i. bax aslan I
arx. arsheen (=28 inches); öz ~ı ilə ölçmək to judge / to measure others by one’s own standard, to measure other’s corn by one’s own bushel
f. to measure (d.) by using arsheen
f. to be* measured by using arsheen
i. tradesman who sells textiles, textile seller
i. the profession of a man who sells textiles
i. textiles
s. 1. increasing; accelerated; ~ silsilə increasing progression; ~ sürət fiz. accelerated velocity; 2
I. i. artel (co-operative association of workmen or peasants) kənd təsərrüfatı ~i agricultural artel, kolkhoz, collective farm; peşə ~i small producer
i. member of an artel
s. anat. arterial
i. tib. arteriosclerosis
i. anat. artery; yuxu ~sı carotid (artery)