s. (i.s.) out of control, uncontrollable, uncontrolled; ~ ehtiras uncontrolled passion
s. ugly; ~ qadın an ugly woman*
i. ugliness
i. pretension, claim; ~ etmək to put* in a claim (for), to pretend (to), to lay* claim (to)
i. 1. hüq. plaintiff, pretendant; 2. (boşanmaq məsələsində) to petitioner; 3. pretender (to), claimant (to, upon), aspirant (to); prezidentliyə ~lər p
f. to become* arrogant / lofty / haughty
s. pretentious, lofty, haughty; d.d. high and mighty
i. arrogance, haughtiness, loftiness
s. modest, unpretentious
i. modesty, unpretentiousness
I. i. ideal; ~larını həyata keçirmək to realize one’s ideals II. s. ideal; ~ adam ideal man*; ~ hava ideal weather
I. i. fəls. idealist II. s. fəls. idealist (attr.), idealistic
z. idealistically, like an idealist
i. fəls. 1. bax idealizm; 2. dreaminess, reverie
i.: ~ etmək to idealize (d.); ~ olunmaq to be* idealized
i. fəls. idealism
fi. being idealized
f. to be* idealized
fi. idealization
f. to idealize (d.)
i. ideality
s. identical, the same
i. identity, sameness
i. ideology; marksist ~ Marxist ideology
s. ideological; ~ cəbhə ideological front
i. ideologist
I. i. idea; hakim ~lar prevailing ideas; ~ uğrunda mübarizə aparmaq to fight* for an idea; qabaqcıl / proqressiv ~lar advanced / progressive ideas; Bu
s. ideological and artistic
s. ideological and theoretical
s. ideological and political
s. ideological and educative; ~ iş ideological and educational work
z. ideologically
s. ideologic(al); (i.s.) with ideological principles; ~ adam a man with ideological principles
i. moral substance / fibre, highmindedness; (bədii əsərdə) ideological content
s. devoid of principles and ideals, (i.s.) having no principles or ideas, unprincipled; (i.s.) lacking in progressive ideas; ~ əsər work lacking in pr
i. lack of progressive ideas, absence of principles and ideas
i. import; ~ etmək to import (d.); ~ edilmək / olunmaq to be* imported
i. importer
i. dilç. idiom, idiomatic expression
s. dilç. idiomatic(al); ~ ifadə idiomatic expression / phrase
I. i. sport; qış ~ oyunları winter sports; ~ la məşğül olmaq to go* in for sports, to indulge in sport II
i. sportsman*; (qadın) sportswoman*; dərəcəli ~ rated sportsman*
I. i. 1. reason, mind, intellect; 2. fəls. cognition II. s. cognitive; ~ qabiliyyəti cognitive faculty; ~ nəzəriyyəsi theory of knowledge
s. 1. reasonable, judicious, wise, sensible; 2. clear thinking, conscious; ~ adam a sensible man*, a man of good sense
i. judiciousness
i. unreasonableness, slow-wittedness
i. performance; (musiqi əsərinin ifası) rendering, rendition; bir kəsin ~sında performed / played by smb
i. performer; (mahnı) singer
I. i. mastery II. s.: ~ məharəti mastery, masterly performance / execution
i. expression; üzün ~si expression, countenance, look; idiomatik ~ idiomatic expression, idiom; ~ etmək to express (d