s. 1. şair. radiant, resplendent; 2. noble-looking, fine-looking; (i.s.) of noble appearance; ~ qoca noble-looking / good-looking fine-looking old man
i. the quality of having a noble appearance
f. bax işıqlandırmaq
f. to light* up (with)
f. to cause to light up (d.), to light* up (d.)
s. luminous, bright; light; radiant; ~ otaq light room; ~ gələcək bright / radiant future
i. 1. brightness, lightness, luminosity; 2. noble appearance
s. lightless; (i.s.) without bright
i. the quality of being lightless
s. pleasant, pleasing; Nuş olsun! Bon appetit!
nid. Bon appetit!, to your heart’s content, I hope you enjoy your breakfast, dinner etc
i. astrology
i. people; souls; inhabitants
i. 1. influence, ascendancy, ascendency; ~u olmaq to have* a firm standing; to be* influential; 2. Authority (over), to carry authority (with); ~ qaza
s. 1. authoritative; 2. moving; penetrating
I. s. authoritative, influential; ~ qərar an influential decision; ~ adam an influential man* II. z. authoritatively, influentially
i. authoritativeness; powerness
s. (i.s.) having no authority / influence
i. the state of having no authority / influence
i. 1. representative; agent; spokesman* (for); Azərbaycan Respublikasının ~si representative of the Azerbaijan Republic; ticarət ~si trade representat
i. representation; agency; (idarə) diplomatik ~ diplomatic representation
i. demonstration; bir may ~i Mayday demonstration; film ~i film-show, showing of a film; ~ təşkil etmək to make* a demonstration; ~ etdirmək: 1) to de
i. demonstrator; marcher
z. demonstratively
i. 1. example; ~ vermək to give* an example; bir kəsi ~ göstərmək to hold* smb. up as an example; bir kəsdən ~ götürmək to follow smb
s. exemplary; model; ~ şagird model pupil; ~ təsərrüfat model farm; ~ davranış model conduct; ~ əxlaq exemplary behaviour
i. copy; iki ~də in duplicate; üç ~də in triplicate; dörd ~də in quadruplicate; ~ çıxarmaq to make* a copy (of); ehtiyat ~ backup (copy); ~ni təsdiq e
I. i. nucleus; atom ~si fiz. atomic nucleus II. s. nuclear; ~ fizikası nuclear physics; ~ radiasiyası nuclear radiation; ~ reaktoru nuclear reactor; ~
s. (i.s.) with nucleus, (i.s.) having nucleus
s. (i.s.) without nucleus, (i.s.) having no nucleus
i. the quality or the state of being without nucleus
O, o the 21st letter of the Azerbaijani alphabet o əv. 1. personal pronoun, third person sing.; he, she, it; O, həkimdir He / She is a doctor; 2
i. hamlet; large nomad tent in several compartments, a large nomad family
z. from hamlet to hamlet; ~ gəzmək to walk from hamlet to hamlet, to go from hamlet to hamlet
I. i. dawn, daybreak; ~ əvvəl / qabaq before dawn / daybreak II. z. at dawn, at daybreak; ~ gəlmək to come* at dawn / at daybreak
i. image, character, type
I. s. figurative; ~ üslub figurative style II. z. figuratively; ~ yazmaq to write* figuratively
i. figurativeness; the state or quality of being figurative
I. i. object; uzaq ~ lər distant objects II. s. objective; ~ halı qram. objective case
I. i. fot. object glass, objective, lens II. s. 1. objective; ~ səbəblər valid / objective reasons / conditions; ~ varlıq objective reality; ~ həqiqət
z. objectively, in an objective manner; Obyektivcəsinə danışsaq... Objectively speaking..
f. to objectify (d.), to make* (d.) objective
i. objectivity, objectiveness
i. 1. hearth; hotbed; bonfire; müharibə ocağı hotbed of war; ~ qalamaq to make a fire; to light* / to kindle a fire; ocağı sönmək məc
i. stoker, furnace-man*
i. the job of a stoker; ~ etmək to work as a stoker
i. bax ocaqçı
əv. only that; only he / she / it; Ocığaz bəsdir Only that is enough
i. sketch, essay; (qəzetdə) featurestory
i. bax oçerkist