i. failure to prove; ittihamın sübutsuzluğu failure to prove a charge
I. i. milk; qatılaşdırılmış ~ condensed milk; qurudulmuş ~ dry / dried milk; ana ~ü mother’s milk; təzə ~ new milk; ◊ tökülmüş ~ üçün ağlamaq to cry o
i. bax südlüsıyıq
i. milkman*; (qadın) milkwoman*
s. dairy; ~ sənayesi dairy industry; ~ təsərrüfatı dairy farm
i. milk carrier
s. milky, milken, milklike
s. children born within a short period of time; ~ doğmaq to give* birth to a child every year
s. 1. ~ uşaq baby, infant in arms; 2. d.d. greenhorn; raw youth; amer. sucker
i. (süd sağılan yer) milk-room; (süd satılan yer) dairy
i. milk-jug, milk-can
f. to start to give* much milk
i. bot. milk-weed
s. milk; milky; ~ şokolad milk chocolate; ~ çörək milk loaf; ~ inək a cow giving much milk; ~ dondurma milky ice-cream
i. milk porridge, milk pudding
i. (kişi) milkman*; (qadın) milkwoman*
s. milkless; (i.s.) without milk
i. 1. table-cloth; 2. meal; ~ açmaq to lay* the table; ~ başında oturmaq to sit* at the table; ~si açıq olmaq to be* hospitable; to keep* open house
i. material fit for a table-cloth
i. rock
i. plot, story; d.d. topic
s. (i.s.) with a plot, (i.s.) having a plot
s. (i.s.) without a plot; plotless
i. (gəmidə) rudder; helm; (avtomobildə) (streering) wheel; (velosipeddə) handle-bars pl.; ~ arxasına keçmək (həm müst
i. helmsman*, man* at the wheel; ~ olmaq to be* at the wheel, to be* a helmsman*
i. the profession of a helmsman*; ~ etmək to have* a job of a helmsman*, to work as a helmsman*
i. 1. peace; silence, stillness, quietness; ~i pozmaq to break* the silence; 2. immobility
i. 1. silence; hash, quiet, quietness, stillness; ~u saxlamaq to keep* silence; ~u pozmaq to break* the silence; Sükut razılıq əlamətidir at
I. i. dynasty, house; qədim ~ an ancient house; Səfəvilər ~si the House of Safavids; the dynasty of Safavids II
I. i. peace; ədalətli ~ just peace; möhkəm ~ lasting / stable peace; ~ bağlamaq to make* peace; bütün dünyada ~ peace throughout the world; ~ü müdafiə
s. bax sülhsevər
i. bax sülhsevərlik
s. peace-loving, peaceful; ~ xalqlar peace-loving peoples; ~ siyasət peaceful policy
i. peacefulness, peaceableness
i. cadger; beggar
i. cadging; begging
f. to cadge; to beg
I. i. anat. bone; balıq sümüyü fishbone; bir dəri bir ~ nothing but skin and bones, all skin and bone; sümüyünə qədər islanmaq to get* / to be* drench
s. 1. bony; ~ balıq bony fish; 2. raw-boned; bony; ~ uşaq a bony baby; ~ qadın a bony woman*
i. 1. the quality of being bony; 2. the state of being raw-boned
s. boneless; (i.s.) without bones
i. the state of being boneless
f. to suck (d.); konfet ~ to suck a sweet
f. to be* sucked
i. hərb. ramrod, cleaning rod
f. to stuff with ramrod (d.)
f. to be* stuffed with ramrod