i. dewiness
s. (i.s.) without dew, (i.s.) having no dew, dewless
i. the state of being without dew / dewless
i. 1. poem, (kiçik) rhyme, verse; lirik ~ lyric(al) poem / rhyme; 2. poetry
i. a scholar studying poetry
i. poetry-study, prosody
i. poetry
f. to recite / to declaim poem with each other, to write poems to each other
s. 1. haughty, arrogant; proud; 2. snub, turned up; ~ bığlar turned-up moustache
s. (i.s.) with turned-up moustache; ~ kişi a man with turned-up moustache
s. bax şeşəbığ
s. (i.s.) with long and pointed horn; large-horned
s. bax şeşəbuynuz
f. to mount / to ride the high horse idiom.; to brag (of, about), to boast (of)
f. bax şeşələtmək
f. to make* smb. brag (of, about) / boast (of)
i. haughtines, arrogance
I. i. cheviot II. s.: ~ parça cheviot
i. 1. thing; 2. object; 3. piece; bir ~ something; heç bir ~ nothing; hər ~ everything; ev ~ləri household things; Yaxşı bir şey almışam I have bought
i. bax şey-şüy
i. belongings, things, lumber, junk, goods and chattels; bits and pieces; bütün ~ ilə (with) bag and baggage; bits and pieces
s. madly in love (with); loving; ~ bülbül loving nightingale
i. sheikh; 1) an arab sheik or prince; 2) head of religious order; 3) a respectable old man*
i. 1. sheikhdom; 2. the state of being a sheikh
i. sheikhulislam (ecclesiastic head of shiites)
i. mus. horn, bugle; ~ çalmaq to bugle, to blow / to wind the horn
i. horner, bugler
i. bax şeypurçalan
I. i. 1. mif. satan, demon, devil, deuce, dickens; 2. rascal, swindler, sly / cunning one; ~ kimi like the devil; Lənət şeytana, şeytana lənət The dev
z. bax şeytancasına
i. second-hand market
i. bax şeytanbazar
z. devilishly; cunningly
i. informer; telltale; (məktəbdə) sneak
i. slander, denunciation; (məktəbdə) sneaking; ~ etmək to tell* tales (about), to peach (against, on, upon); to spy; (məktəbdə) to sneak
i. agail, hangnail
f. to be* reported (to on, to d.), informed (d. of) / denounced (d. to)
f. bax şeytanlatmaq
f. to make* smb. report (to on, to d.) / inform (d. of) / spy (on)
i. bax şeytançılıq
i. the eighth month of Moslem chronology
i. mockery; ~ yə qoymaq to jeer (at), to scoff (at), to mock (at)
I. i. 1. net; (dəmiryolunda) network; 2. tracery, ornament, decorative pattern II. s. open-work (ed)
i. designer, ornamentalist
i. trade of ornamentalist
s. lattice, latticed; ~ pəncərə lattice window
i. hen-blindness
i. bax şeh I
s. bax şehli
I. i. geneology, family tree II. s. geneological; ailə ~ si geneological tree, family tree