I. f. 1. (insan, heyvan) to swim*; 2. (əşya, bulud) to float, to drift; (gəmi) to sail; (paraxod) to steam; (gəmidə) to sail, to navigate; (qayıqda) to boat; yelkənlə ~ to sail, to go* under sail; axın aşağı ~ to go* down stream; axına qarşı ~ to go* up stream; məc. to go* against the stream; səmada ~ to float across the sky; sərbəst üsulla ~ to swim* in free style; üzü üstə ~ to swim on one’s chest; arxası üstə ~ to swim* on one’s back; yanı üstə ~ to swim* on one’s side; suyun altında ~ to swim* under water; O heç üzmək bilmir He / She cannot swim a stroke; ◊ balta kimi ~ to swim like a stone / like a tailor’s goose; ◊ yağ içində ~ (süd gölündə) məc. to swim* in luxury

II. f. 1. to pick (d.), to pluck (d.); çiçək ~ to pick / to pluck flowers; 2. to break* off, to sever; diplomatik əlaqəni ~ to break* off / to sever diplomatic relations (with); 3. to wear* out (d.), to exhaust (d.); Bu söhbətlər məni üzür All this talking wears me out; Nə üzüçü gündür! What an exhausting day! 4. to waste (d.) Xəstəlik onun çanınnı üzüb The disease wasted his whole body


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