z. bax alicənabcasına
I. i. scientist; (humanitar elm sahəsində) scholar; ~ olmaq to be* a scientist, (humanitar elm sahəsində) to be a scholar; məşhur ~ olmaq to be* a wel
z. bax alimcəsinə
z. like a scientist, as a scientist; like / as a scholar
i. alimony; ~ vermək to give* alimony
i. man paying alimony
I. i. dignitary, high official II. s. dignified; ~ adam a dignified man*
i. pseudo-scientist; (humanitar elm sahəsində) pseudo scholar
I. i. learning, erudition II. s. learned, erudite; ~ dərəcəsi academic degree; ~ adı academic status
I. i. a person having gained higher education II. s. highly educated; (i.s.) having higher education
I. i. 1. alcohol; (içki) spirit(s) pl.; 2. (əyyaş) drunkard, dipsomaniac II. s. alcoholic; ~ içkilər spirituous liquors, strong drinks, spirits
i. alcoholism, dipsomania
s. bax alkoqol II
s. non-alcoholic; ~ içki non-alcoholic / temperance drink; d.d. soft drink; ~ restoran a temperance restaurant
i. applause, clapping; cheers pl.; sürəkli ~lar loud and prolonged applause sing.; gurultulu ~lar storm of applause sing
f. to applaud (d.), to cheer (d.); ucadan / hərarətlə ~ to applaud loudly / vigorously; aktyoru / musiqiçini ~ to applaud an actor / a musician
f. to be* applauded (by), to be* cheered (by)
i. riyaz. algorithm
s. riyaz. algorithmic
Allah i. Allah; God; (Tək) Allah bilir God (alone) knows; Allah bilir o hara getdi God knows where he / she went, He / She went God knows where; Allah
i. bax allah
i. tar. “God-seeking”
i. ~ etmək to hold* sway (over), to exceed one’s power limitlessly; ~ iddiasında olmaq to long for a limitless power
i. alms, handout; ~ istəmək to beg, to go* begging; ~ vermək to give* alms
I. i. 1. devout person; 2. pilgrim II. s. devout, pious, religious
i. devotion, piety
I. i. atheist II. s. godless, ungodly; (məc.) shameless, dishonest, bold III. z. godlessly, in a godless manner; (məc
z. godlessly; shamelessly
i. godlessness, atheism
i. almighty God / Allah
f. to rouge (d.), to use rouge, to put* rouge on; yanağını ~ to put* rouge on one’s cheeks
f. 1. to become* / to get* rouged; 2. (dəyməyə başlamaq: meyvə) to start to ripe; 3. bax aldanmaq
f. to redden (d.), to flush (d.); (yanağı) to rouge (d.)
f. 1. to redden, to grow* rosy; 2. (dəyməyə başlamaq) to start to become ripe
s. allegorical; ~ üslub allegorical style
i. allegory
i. mus. allegro
s. allergic
i. tib. allergy
s. bax al-yaşıl (2-ci mənada)
s. many-coloured, variegated; beau tiful
i. crimson, blush, redness
I. i. apple; qırmızı ~ red apple; sarı ~ yellow apple II. s. apple; ~ağacı appletree; ~ çiçəyi apple blossom; ~ şirəsi apple juice; ~ piroqu apple-pie
f. 1. to get*; bilet almaq to get* tickets; pul ~ to get* money; icazə ~ to get* permission (from d.); bir kəsdən cavab ~ to get* an answer from smb
i. apple orchard, apple grove
I. i. German II. s. German; ~ dili German, the German language
i. (ədəbi məcmuə) anthology, literary miscellany
z. German; ~ danışmaq to speak* German; ~ azərbaycanca lüğət German-Azerbaijani dictionary; Məktub almanca yazılmışdı The letter was written in German
i. Germanization
f. to germanize (d.)