f. to get* / to become* German
i. Germanophil(e)
i. the state of being Germanophil
s. red-cheeked, apple-cheeked
s. bax almayanaq
I. i. 1. diamond; 2. (ayna kəsmək üçün alət) glazier’s diamond; cilalanmamış ~ rough diamond; qara ~ (daş kömür) black diamond II
s. blameless, honest, faultless
i. faultlessness, blamelessness
s. (i.s.) with a large forehead; having a large forehead
nid. hello!
i. flame, flare; blaze; ~ bürümək to catch* / to take* fire, to become* inflamed; ~un dilləri tongues of flame; qəzəb ~ları the flames of anger / wrat
f. to be* flamed / ignited
f. 1. to flame (d.), to ignite (d.), to set* on fire; 2. məc. to rouse (d.), to excite (d.)
fi. inflammation, ignition; ~ nöqtəsi ignition point
f. to flame, to take* / to catch* fire, to break* / to burst* into flame; məc. to be* flushed; to burn (with); ehtirasdan ~ to burn with passion, to g
f. bax alovlatmaq
f. to flame (d.), to ignite (d.) to cause to flame (d.); məc. to cause to get excited / into a temper
s. 1. flaming, fiery; 2. məc. ardent, flam ing, passionate, fervent; ~ baxış fiery glance; ~ vətənpərvərlik ardent / flaming patriotism; ~ vətənpərvər
i. ardency, fervency, passion
i. hərb. (silah) flame-thrower
s. flameless; ~ yanma flameless burn ing
i. bot. aloe
s. alpine; ~ çəmənlikləri alpine grasslands / meadows
I. i. alpinist II. s. alpinist; ~ düşərgəsi alpinist / mountaineering camp
i. alpinism; mountaineering
I. i. 1. (musiqi aləti) viola; 2. (müğənni səsi) alto II. i. bottom; dibçəyin ~ı the bottom of the pot III
z. one on another, one under another
z. below, underneath; (aşağı mərtəbə) downstairs
z. from below, from the bottom; ~ baxmaq to look from below; ~ yuxarı upwards; bir kəsə ~ yuxarı baxmaq to look up at smb
z. secretly, in secret; in an underhand way; ~ baxmaq to glower (at), to look from under the brows; ~ iş görmək to act secretly / in an underhand way;
z. from here, from there; ~ danışmaq to speak* dishonestly / deceitfully
z. up, upwards; ~ baxmaq to look up (wards); ~ya qədər from top to bottom
I. i. alternative II. s. alternative; ~ suallar qram. alternative questions
sy. six; ~ oğlan six boys; ~ manat six manats
z. in sixes
I. i. prematurely born child; Altıaylıq olma! Don’t be in a hurry! II. s. 1. (müddət mənasında) (i.s
s. six-fingered
s. bax altıbarmaq
i. the state of having six fin gers
I. i. hexagon II. s. bax altıbucaqlı
s. hexagonal
sy. only / just six
s. six-volume
I. i. six days; six-day II. s. of six days, six-day; ~ istirahət six-day rest
s. 1. (müddət mənasında) (i.s.) of six years; six-year; 2. (yaş) (i.s.) of six years, six-year-old
s. bax altıbucaqlı
s. sixfold
s. bax altıqat
i. 1. (rəqəm) a six; 2. (kartda) the six of..
I. i. six-storeyed building II. s. six-storeyed; ~ bina six-storeyed building