i. anat. tonsil
s. bax badamgözlü
s. (i.s.) with almond-shaped eyes; ~ qadın a woman with almondshaped eyes
i. the state of having almond-shaped eyes
s. almond-shaped; ~ gözlər almondshaped eyes
s. almond, (i.s.) mixed with almond
i. almond orchard, almond grove
s. bax badamvarı
s. almond-shaped; ~ vəzi anat. tonsil
s. the state or quality of being almond-shaped
i. glass, cup, goblet; bir ~ şərab a glass of wine; ~ qaldırmaq to raise one’s glass (to); bir kəsin sağlığına ~ qaldırmaq to raise one’s glass to smb
I. i. egg-plant, aubergine II. s. aubergine; ~ içi / kürsüsü aubergine paste; ~ dolması stuffed aubergine (usually with force-meat)
I. i. a big-nosed man* II. s. big-nosed; ~ adam a big-nosed man*
s. bax badımcanburun II
i. the state of having a big
s. dark-violet; ~ rəng dark-violet colour
i. aubergine / egg-plant field
i. destroying / destructive wind
i. (light) breeze, morning breeze
i. badminton; ~ oynamaq to play badminton
i. badminton player
i. arx. pail, milk pail
i. galloon; (qızıllı) gold lace, (gümüşlü) silver lace
I. i. 1. garden; (meyvə bağı) orchard; botanika ~ botanical gardens pl.; 2. (yay evi) cottage, country cottage, summer house / cottage; ~da yaşamaq to
i. garden and parterre
s. (i.s.) with garden and parterre, (i.s.) having garden and parterre
i. bax bağ-bağat
s. bax bağ-bağatlı
i. bax tısbağa
i. bot. plantain
i. gardener; ~ olmaq to be* a gardener
i. bax bağbanlıq
I. i. garden, front garden II. i. I kindergarten, nursery school; uşaq ~ı kindergarten
i. gardener
i. gardening; elm. horticulture
i. 1. liver; 2. məc. heart; bağrını yarmaq / qoparmaq to frighten smb. to death; bağrı yarılmaq / qopmaq to get* awfully frightened; bağrına basmaq to
f. to cry / to shout together
f. to yell; to shout; to howl; barbar ~ to shout / to yell at the top of one’s voice
I. i. anat. intestine, bowels; kor bağırsaq blind gut; elm. caecum; nazik bağırsaq small intestine; yoğun ~ intestine large intestine; düz ~ rectum; o
i. zool. elm. helminth; (intestinal) worm
i. shout, yell, scream; bowl; ~ salmaq to shout, to scream, to yell; to bowl
f. to make* smb. shout / yell / scream / bowl
fi. 1. giving present; 2. pardon, forgiveness, excuse
f. 1. to present (d.), to make* / to give* a present; 2. to forgive* (d.), to pardon (d.); (günahı) to absolve (d
s. bax bağışlanmaz
i. the state or guality of being unforgivable / unpardonable
f. to be* excused / pardoned; to obtain mercy
s. unpardonable, unforgivable, inexcusable; ~ günah unpardonable sin; ~ əməl inexcusable deed
f. 1. to ask / to couse smb. to present (d.); 2. to ask / to couse smb. to excuse (d.) / to pardon (d
I. i. parcel, bundle, package; bir ~ kitab a package of books; bir ~ paltar a parcel of clothes II. i