i. uş.d. grandpa, grandad
i. bax babalaq
i. fault, sin; guilt; ~ını yumaq to calumniate, to slander; d.d. to suspect in vain
s. grandfatherly, grandfather’s; ~ məhəbbəti grandfather’s love
I. s. fairly good, supportable; satisfactory, mediocre II. z. middling, so-so, tolerably, pretty well; ~ olmaq to be* so-so
z. pretty well, quite pretty, so-so; ~ yaşamaq to live so-so
f. to be made better, to be* improved
f. to better (d.); (səhhəti) to restore (d.); bir kəsin vəziyyətini ~ to better smb.’s position; özünü ~ to better oneself; yaşayış vəziyyətini ~ to b
f. to get* / to become* better, to recover
i. satisfactoriness, mediocrity
s. bax babat
i. tax; ~ vermək to give* taxes; ~ almaq / yığmaq to collect taxes
i. bax bac
i. flue, smoke-duct
i. godsend, windfall; Bu mənim üçün bacadandüşmə oldu It’s a godsend / windfall for me
arx. 1. tchervonets (ten-rouble banknote). 2. gold piece coin
s. (i.s.) with flue (i.s.) having flue, (i.s.) having chimney
i. brother-in-law (pl. brothers- -inlaw) (husbands of sisters)
i. the state of being brothers-inlow
s. able, skilful; ~ adam an able man*
z. as far as one can, as far as pos sible, within the limits of the possible; Bacardıqca tez gəl Come as far as you can
i. 1. ability, skill; know-how; knack; əqli ~ mental ability; fiziki ~ physical ability; musiqi ~ı ability for music; mühazirə demək bacarıqlı skill i
z. skilfully, ably; resourcefully, adroitly, nimbly; O, pianinonu bacarıqla çala bildi He could play the piano ably
s. 1. able, skilful; ~ işçi able workman*; ~ əllər skilful hands 2. resourceful, nimble; ~ adam resourceful man*; ~ barmaqlar nimble fingers
i. 1. guick wit; 2. the state of having ability / good management; 3. adroit ness, dexterity; resourcefulness, nimbleness
s. unskilful, unable, incapable, clumsy; ~ adam a clumsy man* / person
i. unskilfulness, clumsiness, lack of ability, inability, incapability
f. can (+inf.), to be* able (+to inf.); oxumağı / yazmağı / danışmağı və s. ~ can read / write / speak, etc
s. (i.s.) without flue, (i.s.) having no flue; chimneyless
i. chimney sweeper
i. sister; böyük ~ elder sister; kiçik ~ younger sister; ◊ tibb ~sı (sick-) nurse; (Feldşer ixtisası olan) trained (hospital) nurse; ◊ şəfqət ~sı sist
i. bosom friends (of girls or women)
i. sister and brother; ~ olmaq to be* bosom friends (of a man and a woman)
i. niece
f. to become* bosom friends (of gils, women)
i. 1. stepsister; 2. girl-friend; ~ olmaq to become* bosom friends (of girls or women)
i. nephew (son of one’s sister)
i. arx. wind; ~a vermək to waste (d.), to squander (d.); var-dövləti ~a vermək to run through a fortune, to waste one’s riches
f.; (həm məc., həm də müst.) ~ to trip smb. up
f. to be* tripped
f. to trip each other
f. bax badaqlatmaq
f. to ask / to cause smb. to trip (d.)
i. 1. backheel; trip; 2. məc. d.d. dirty trick; ~ vurmaq / ~ gəlmək 1) to trip smb. up; 2) məc. to deceive (d
f. bax badaqlamaq
f. bax badaqlaşmaq
I. i. almond II. s. almond; ~ ağacı almond-tree; ~ içi almond; ~ yağı almond oil
s. (i.s.) with a small and almondshaped mouth
s. bax badamağız