s. loveworthy, (i.s.) worthy of love, worth loving; (i.s.) deserving love
bağ. or; either ... or; ~ siz, ~ biz you or we; ~ bu gün, ~ sabah today or tomorrow, either today or tomorrow
z. willingly or unwilligly, willynilly, like it or not; İstər-istəməz siz getməlisiniz You must go willy-nilly
f. to cause (d.) s.o. to want (d.); to cause (d.) to ask (d.); to love (d.)
f. bax istətdirmək
I. i. heat; yay ~si summer heat; ~dən əziyyət çəkmək to suffer from the heat II. s. 1. hot; ~ gün a hot day; ~ bulaq hot spring; ~ su hot water; 2
z. while it is hot; Bəzi adamlar çayı isti-isti içməyi xoşlayırlar Some people like to drink tea while it is hot; Dəmiri isti-isti döyərlər at
i. the heat and the cold; özünü ~dan qorumaq to protect oneself from the heat and cold
i.: ~ ists soyuqluğu olmamaq to have* nothing to do (with), to have* no concern (with); Bunun mənə isti-soyuqluğu yoxdur I have nothing to do with it,
i. ədəb. metaphor
I. i. despotism II. s. despotic, despotical
i. despot
i. despotism
s. warmish, likewarm, terpid, slightly warm
i. use; utilization; ~ etmək to use (d.), to make* use (of); to utilize (d.); to enjoy (d.); bacarığından ~ etmək to utilize one’s abilities; ~dən çıx
f. to make* use (of), to profit (by)
istifadəsiz (istifadədə olmayan) s. unused; untapped; ~ boşqablar unused plates; ~ ehtiyatlar untapped reserves; ~ mənbələr untapped resources
i. the state of being unused / untapped
I. i. hothouse, greenhouse II. s. hothouse (attr.); ~ bitkiləri hothouse plants; ~ dirrikçiliyi hothouse market gardening
i. (müxt. mənalarda) direction; bütün ~lərdə in all directions; cənub ~ində in the direction of South; hücumun ~i hərb
s. bax istiqamətverici
f. to be* guided, to be* directed
f. 1. to direct (d. at, to), to turn (d. to); 2. (silahı) to aim (d. at), to level (d. at); diqqətini ~ to direct one’s attention (to)
f. 1. to be* directed / turned (to); 2. (silah) to be aimed; 3. to make one’s way (to, towards), to direct one’s steps (to, towards), to pick one’s wa
s. guiding, leading; hərb. directing; ~ qüvvə guiding / directing force
s. 1. zool. warm-blooded; ~ heyvanlar warm-blooded animals; 2. pleasant, pleasing, likeable, attractive; 3
i. 1. zool. warm-bloodness; 2. likeableness; attractiveness
i. 1. the future; parlaq ~ bright future; 2. meeting; ~a çıxmaq to meet* solemnly, to go* to meet solemnly
i. arx. one who meets / who goes to meet (d.)
i. bax istiqlaliyyət
I. i. independence; sovereignty; milli ~ national independence; ~ qazanmaq to become* independent, to enjoy independence; to win* independence II
i. freedom lover, one who fights for independence
i. loan; dövlət ~ı state loan; daxili ~ internal loan; xarici ~ foreign loan
i. conquest; aggression; ~etmək to conquer (d.)
I. i. conqueror, aggressor II. s. aggressive, predatory
I. i. 1. aggression; 2. the act of aggression II. s. aggressive; ~ siyasəti aggressive policy; ~ müharibəsi aggressive war, war of aggression
i. bax termin
s. heating; hot; ~ aparat heating apparatus; ~ içki heating drink; ~ kompres hot compress
f. to be* heated, to be* warmed
f. to heat (d.), to warm (d.)
f. to get* / to become* warmer; to warm up
f. bax istiləndirmək
f. to get* / to become* warmer, to warm up; istiləşir It’s getting warm (er)
f. bax isitmək (1-ci mənada)
I. i. heat; warmth; 35 dərəcə ~ 35 degrees above zero; ~vermək to give* out warmth; Soba istilik vermir The stove gives out no warmth II
s. fiz. heat-conducting
i. fiz. heat / thermal conductivity
i. (cihaz) fiz. calorimeter
i. fiz. heat transfer / transmission
s. bot., zool. heat-loving; ~ bitkilər heat-loving plants; ~ heyvanlar heatloving animals