f. to smell (d.); imsiləyib tapmaq to smell out (d.)
f. to be* smelled / smelt
f. to ask / to cause smb. to smell (d.)
I. i. 1. examination; d.d. exam; ~ vermək to go* in for an examination, to take* / to sit* an examination; ~ vermək (qurtarmaq) to pass an examination
i. examiner
s. 1. examining; ~ komissiya examining board; 2. məc. searching, peering; ~ nəzər / baxış searching / peering look
z. without examination; without exams; ali məktəbə ~ daxil olmaq to enter the higher school without examination
i. 1. refusal, repudiation; 2. hüq. rejection; ~ etmək to refuse (d.), to repudiate (d.); öz sözündən ~ etmək to retract one’s words, to withdraw* one
i. 1. hüq. privilege; şəxsi ~ personal privilege; diplomatik ~ diplomatic privilege; ~ vermək to privilege (d
s. privileged; ~ siniflər privileged classes; ~ səhm mal. privileged share
s. (i.s.) without privilege, (i.s.) having no privilege
i. signature; ~ etmək / atmaq to write* / to put* one’s signature (to), to affix one’s signature; to sign (d
f. to sign (d.), to write* / to put* one’s signature (to); sənədi ~ to sign a document, to put* one’s signature to a document; müqaviləni ~ to sign a
f. to be* signed
fs. signed; ~ müqavilə signed treaty
f. to ask / to cause smb. to sign (d.)
s. signed; (i.s.) with a signature
s. 1. (i.s.) without a signature, not signed; 2. anonymous; ~ məktub an anonymous letter
I. i. 1. obstinacy, stubbornness; ~ etmək to persist (in); 2. (adam) pighead, obstinate / stubborn person II
s. bax inadkar II
i. bax inadkarlıq
I. i. pighead, obstinate / stubborn person II. s. pigheaded, persistent, stubborn, obstinate; ~ olmaq to be* stubborn / pigheaded; ~ adam a stubborn /
z. stubbornly, obstinately; ~ inkar etmək to refuse obstinately / stubbornly
i. obstinacy, persistency, stubbornness; ~ göstərmək to show / to display stubbornness
z. bax inadkarcasına
i. faith, belief, trust; möhkəm / qəti ~ firm belief (in); özünə ~ faith in oneself, self-confidence; kor-koranə ~ blind / implicit faith; insana ~ be
z. confidently, with confidence; gələcəyə ~ baxmaq to look ahead with confidence, to face the future with confidence; ~ danışmaq to speak* with confid
s. resolute, firm; confident, sure; ~ addım resolute step; ~ cavab firm answer; ~ qələbə confident / decisive victory
s. 1. uncertain, hesitant; ~ olmaq to be* hesitant (about) / uncertain (about); 2. irresolute, indecisive; ~ adam irresolute person
i. disbelief, lack of faith(in); ~ nümayiş etdirmək / göstərmək to display / to show* disbelief
s. trustful, trusting; (sadəlövh) credulous
I. s. convincing, persuasive, weighty, forceful; ~ nümunə convincing example; ~ dəlil / sübut convincing argument; ~ söz weighty utterance; ~ nitq a c
i. convincingness, persuasiveness, forcefulness
f. to be* made sure / certain (of; that), to be* made convinced (of)
f. 1. to convince (d. of); to try to convince (d. of); bir kəsi öz sözünün doğruluğuna ~ to convince smb
s. 1. unbelievable, incredible, inconceivable; ~ əhvalatlar incredible stories; 2. (əfsanəvi) fabulous; ~ qəhrəman fabulous hero; ~ var-dövlət fabulou
fs. reliable, dependable, trustworthy, trusty; ~ dost reliable friend
f. to believe (d.); (etibar etmək) to trust (d.); Mən sizə inanmıram I don’t believe you; Mən gözlərimə inana bilmirəm I can’t believe my eyes; İnanın
s. 1. reliable; ~ adam a reliable person; 2. probable, likely; verisimilar; ~ nəticə probable result; ~ plan a likely plan
s. 1. fine, delicate; tender, (əndam) slender, slim; ~ barmaqlar slender / delicate fingers; ~ qıçlar slim / slender legs; ~ qəlb tender heart; ~ zövq
z. tenderly, delicately, finely
s. d.d. delicate, tender; graceful
s. slim-legged
s. bax incəayaq
s. slender waist; (i.s.) with slender waist, (i.s.) having slender waist
s. bax incəbel
s. sensitive, sentimental; ~ adam a sensitive / sentimental person
s. kind-hearted, tender-hearted; ~ adam a kind-hearted / tender-hearted person
f. to become* fine / tender / thin