i. crook; çoban ~sı shepherd’s crook; ~ya dönmək to crook, to grow* crooked
i. cocain(e)
i. cocain(e) addict
s. (i.s.) containing cocain(e), (i.s.) with cocain(e)
i. coke; ~ yandırma coke firing
f. to be* coked
f. to coke (d.)
f. to coke
i. cocktail
I. i. bush; shrub; qızılgül ~u a rose bush; tikanlı ~ thorn-bearing / thorny / spiny shrub; ~ basmaq to be* covered with bushes / shrubs; ətrafına ~ b
I. top.i. thorns-and-shrubs; shrubbery; ~ basmaq to be* covered with shrubs, to become* shrubby II. s
s. shrubby, (i.s.) covered with shrubs; thorny, (i.s.) covered with thorns; ~ yer shrubby land / place; land covered with shrubs / thorns
i. bax kolluq
s. 1. short-horned, curt-horned; 2. (buynuzu kəsik / qırıq) with polled / shorn horn(s); ~ heyvan pollard
i. canoe; boat
i. boatman*
i. flask
I. i. sausage; bişmiş ~ boiled sausage; hisə verilmiş ~ smoked sausage II. s. sausage; ~ zavodu / fabrikası sausage factory; ~ məmulatı sausages; cook
i. 1. (hazırlayan) sausage-maker; 2. (satan) sausage dealer
I. i. calico II. s. calico; made of calico; ~ cild calico cover; ~ cildli kitab a book with a calico cover
I. i. kolkhoz, collective-farm II. s. collective-farm; ~ quruluşu collective-farm system; ~ mülkiyyəti kolkhoz, collectivefarm property; ~ tarlaları c
I. i. collective farmer II. s. collective farmer’s; collective-farm; ~ ailəsi collective farmer’s family; ~ kəndlilər collective-farm peasantry
i. the state of being a collective farmer
i. tib. colitis
i. college
s. collegiate, collegial; joint; collective; ~ rəhbərlik collective / joint leadership; ~ şəkildə collectively / jointly
i. collective nature; (rəhbərlikdə) joint leadership
i. board; nazirliyin ~sı board of Ministry; vəkillər ~sı College of barristers / lawyers
i. bax kolleksiyaçı
i. collection; gathering
i. collector
I. i. collective; body; fəhlə ~i workers’ collective; tələbə ~i student body II. s. collective; ~ əmək collective labour; ~ muqavilə collective agreem
i. collectivist
I. i. collectivism II. s. collectivistic; ~ təmayülü collectivistic trend
i. bax kollektivçi
i. collectivism
fi. being collectivized
f. to be* collectivized
fi. collectivization
f. to collectivize (d.)
fi. collectivization, being collectivized
f. to collectivize, to be* collectivized
i. collectivity, collectivism
i. 1. (kanal) collector; (boru kəməri) manifold; 2. (kitabxanada şöbə) book collecting department (in a library); 3
s. collector; ~ suvarma sistemi / şəbəkəsi water collector network
i. kim. colloid
s. kim. colloidal, colloid; ~ məhlul colloidal solution; ~ kimya colloidal chemistry
s. bushy, shrubby; thorny
i. shrubbery, shrubby place
i. bax müstəmləkəçi