i. muddle-headedness, stupidity, dullness; ~ etmək to act / to behave stupidly; özünü qanmazlığa vurmaq / qoymaq to pretend to be muddle-headed / stup
i. ditch, trench; ~ qazmaq to dig* a trench; Su qanova tökülür The water flows into the ditch
I. i. ditcher II. s.: ~ maşın ditch / trench digger
i. bruise
s. tib. 1. anaemic, anemia; 2. bloodless; ~ dodaqlar bloodless lips; ~ qələbə bloodless victory; 3. (amansız) merciless, pitiless, cruel, ruthless; ~
z. bloodlessly, ruthlessly, mercilessly, without mercy / ruth
f. to be* drained of blood
f. to drain blood (d.), to bleed white (d.); to exsanguinate (d.); məc. to render (d.) lifeless
f. 1. to become* / to get* drained of blood; 2. to lose* one’s blood partly; 3. (amansızlaşmaq) to become* merciless / ruthless / pitiless
i. 1. tib. anaemia; 2. bloodlessness; 3. məc. mercilessness, ruthlessness
i. tib. haemorrhage; beyinə ~ haemorrhage of the brain
i. blood-sucker, parasite
i. blood-thirstiness
i. id. dumb-bells
i. killer, murderer; (qadın) murderess
i. bloodshed
i. law; seçki ~u electoral law; təbiət ~u law of nature; ictimai inkişaf ~u the law of social development; ~un gücü force of law; ~u pozmaq to break*
i. order; idarədə daxili ~ office regulations; ~ya salmaq to put* in order (d.); ~nı gözləmək to keep* order; ~nı möhkəmlətmək to maintain order; ~ ya
I. s. law-governed; natural, regular; ~ hadisə natural phenomenon; ~ inkişaf natural development, development in conformity with natural law; Bu tamam
i. objective laws pl., conformity to natural laws; cəmiyyətin inkişafının qanunauyğunluğu the objective laws governing the development of society
I. s. irregular; exceptional, unusual II. z. irregularly; exceptionally, unusually
i. irregularity; exceptionality, exceptional character
I. i. unlawful, illegal; ~ hərəkət illegal action; ~ tədbirlər unlawful measures; ~ ticarət illegal trade II
i. illegality, lawlessness
i. legality, rule of law, lawfulness; qanunçuluğu möhkəmlətmək to strenghten legality; qanunçuluğa riayət etmək to observe law
s. legal, lawful, legitimate; ~ sənəd legal document; ~ sahib lawful / rightful owner; ~ arzu legitimate desire; ~ tələb legitimate demand; ~ kəbin la
fi. legalization, legitimation, legitimization
f. to be* legalized / legitimatized / legitimized
i. 1. lawfulness, legality; 2. conformity to natural laws; appropriateness
i. lawfulness, legality
z. lawfully, in law, according to law, legitimately
f. to be* legalized / legitimated
fi. legalization, legitimation
f. to legalize (d.), to legitimate (d.) bir şeyin satışını ~ to legalize the sale of smth
i. code, code of laws
I. i. one who keeps to the letter of the law II. s. (i.s.) keeping to the letter of the law
i. adherence to the law
i. transgressor / infringer of the law; delinquent, offender
i. transgression / infringement of the law, offence
I. s. lawless, illegal, unlawful, illicit; illegitimate; ~ hərəkət lawless act; ~ ticarət illegal trade; ~ tədbirlər unlawful measures; ~ satış illici
i. lawlessness, unlawfulness, illegality; lawless / unlawful action; ~ etmək to act lawlessly / unlawfully; to break* the law
i. lawyer, jurist
i. jurisprudence
I. i. law-maker, law-giver, legislator II. s. legislative; ~ hakimiyyət legislative power
i. legislation; əmək haqqında ~ labour laws pl
i. donor; blood-donor
I. i. blood donation II. s.: ~ məntəqəsi blood donation centre
i. tib. transfusion, blood transfusion
i. 1. babble; 2. (uşaqların körpəlikdə çıxartdıqları səs) baby-talk, childish prattle; ~ etmək 1) to babble, to prattle; 2) (səs-küy salmaq) to make*
f. to close, to shut*; to be* closed / shut