i. adversity, misfortune, disaster; Qada-bala səndən / sizdən uzaq olsun God bless you!
i. bax qadağan; ~sı bərk olmaq to be* strictly forbidden
I. i. prohibition, interdict, forbiddance; ~ etmək to forbid (d.), to interdict (d.); (rəsmi) to prohibit (d
s. prohibitory, prohibitive; ~ qanun prohibitory law; ~ gömrük prohibitive duty
nid. My darling! My dear!
z.: ~ danışmaq to speak* haughtily / arrogantly, to speak* like an adult (of a child)
I. i. woman* (pl.: women); ağıllı ~ a clever woman*; ərli ~ a married woman*; gənc ~ a young woman*; deyingən ~ shrew; ~ kimi womanly, womanlike II
z. womanly, womanlike, in a feminine way
s. feminine, womanlike, effeminate; (i.s.) of changeable character
s. bax qadınxasiyyət
i. weakness of will, spinelessness
i. femininity, womanhood; top.i. womankind
s. womanish, effeminate; woman-faced
s. bax qadınsifət
s. 1. mighty, powerful; ~ ölkə powerful / mighty country; hər şeyə ~ (Allah) Almighty; 2. able, capable, skilful; O hər şeyi etməyə qadirdir He is abl
i. ability (for), aptitude (for), faculty (of, for)
i. head; brain
s. clever, brainy
s. brainless, empty-headed
i. skull
s. ignorant, unconversant; lightminded, careless; inattentive; ~ adam an ignorant man, a light-minded / careless person
i. ignorance, lack of knowledge qafiyə i. rhyme; zəif ~ week rhyme; qüvvətli ~ strong rhyme
i. rhymer, rhymester
f. to rhyme (d.); sözləri ~ to rhyme words
s. rhymed; ~ şer rhymed verse
s. rhymeless; (i.s.) without rhymes; (i.s.) having no rhymes
Qafqaz s. Caucasian; ~ xalqları Caucasian peoples
i. Caucasian
i. zool. (sea-) gull
fi. 1. (qaz) cackling; 2. (durna) call
f. 1. (qaz və s.) to cackle; 2. (durna və s.) to call
f. 1. (qaz və s.) to cackle all together; 2. (durna və s.) to call all together
i. cackle; (durna) call
i. defender, mediator, intercessor; patron; (qadın) patroness; ~ çıxmaq to take* the part (of), to stand* up (for)
i. protection, intercession, mediation
i. dried fruits
I. i. jerked meat, jerk; ~ etmək / qayırmaq to jerk (d.), to dry-cure (d.); ~a döndərmək to overdry (d
f. to jerk, to get* / to become* jerked, to get* / to become* overdried
f. 1. bax sancılmaq; 2. to sit* quiet and still; qaxılıb oturmaq to sit* quiet and still for a while
i. reproach, reproof, telling off; ~ etmək to give* a tell-off / scolding; başa ~ olmaq to be* good-for-nothing
f. 1. to strike* (d.), to hit* (d.); 2. to give* a telling off, to scold (d.), to reproach (d. with); başına ~ to give* smb
f. to spoil, to go* bad, to become* rotten
fs. spoiled, rotten, rancid; ~ yumurta rotten egg; ~ yağ rancid butter
f. to let* go bad (d.), to cause to go bad
s. firm, steady, stable, strong, tough; ~ parça strong / tough cloth; ~ olmaq to be* firm / steady / stable
i. loud laughter; ~ çəkmək to laugh loudly / boisteriously, to shout with laughter
f. 1. to cackle; 2. (ucadan gülmək) to cackle, to shout with laughter, to roar with laughter
f. 1. to cackle together; 2. məc. to laugh loudly / to roar with laughter all together
f. to cause (d.) / to force (d.) to cackle
i. 1. cackle; 2. məc. loud laughter