f. to ask / to cause smb. to grab (d.) / to snatch (d.)
s. blinding, dazzling
f. to dazzle (d.), to blind (d.); Günəş gözümü qamaşdırdı The sun dazzled my eyes; dişlərinı ~ to set* one’s teeth on edge
f. 1. to be* dazzled / blinded; 2. to have* soreness in one’s mouth; dişləri ~ to have* one’s teeth on edge
i. whip; knout; məc. lash ~ilə vurmaq bax qamçılamaq (1-ci mənada)
f. 1. to whip (d.); to knout (d.); to lash (d.); 2. məc. to castigate (d.), to scourge (d.); nöqsanları ~ to castigate vices / defects
f. 1. to be* whipped / slashed; 2. məc. to be* castigated
f. 1. to ask / to cause smb. to whip (d.) / to lash (d.); 2. məc. to ask / to cause smb. to castigate (d
i. figure; qəşəng ölçülü ~ a nice shaped figure
s. slender, slim; ~ qadın / arvad a slender / slim woman*
i. slenderness, slimness
I. i. cane, reed, rush; şəkər ~ı sugarcane II. s. cane; ~ şəkəri cane sugar; ~ stul cane chair
s. reedy, rushy; ~ göl reedy lake
i. reedy / rushy place, area covered with reed / cane / rush
i. chip, sliver; odun / ağac qamqalağı a chip of wood; ◊ ~ kimi quru dry as a chip
f. to chip (d.), to sliver (d.)
f. to chip, to sliver; to be* chipped / slivered
f. to ask / to cause smb. to chip (d.) / to sliver (d.)
I. i. blood; ~ı kəsmək / dayandırmaq to stop the blood / a wound; ◊ ~ ağlamaq məc. to weep* bitterly, to complain bitterly (of); ◊ ~ ağlatmaq to torme
s.: ~ sistemi circulatory system
z.: ~ demək to thirst for blood
i. blood and sweat; bloody sweat; ~ basmaq to break* into a sweat, to drip / to run* with sweat; ~ içində olmaq to bathe in sweat
z. blood for blood
z. intentionally, deliberately, designedly, on purpose
i. civility, courtesy, politeness
z. courteously, politely
s. courteous, polite; conscious; ~ oğlan a polite boy
i. courteousness, politeness
s. impolite, discourteous, illbred, ignorant, uncivil; ~ adam an impolite / ignorant person; O çox qanacaqsız adamdır He / She is a very ill-bred pers
i. impoliteness, discourtesy, uncivility, ignorance; ~ etmək to act / to behave impolitely
i. wing; şair. pinion; ~ çalmaq to flap (its) wings; ~ açmaq to spread* one’s wings; ◊ ~ının altına almaq məc
s. wing-shaped
s. bax qanadabənzər
f. məc. to be* inspired / uplifted
f. məc. to inspire (d.); to lend* wings (to); ümidlə ~ to inspire (d.) with hope
f. to acquire wings; məc. to become* / to be* inspired, to be* uplifted
s. winged; (i.s.) having wings; ~ sözlər məc. winged words, catch-words; ~ ifadələr məc. popular expressions; ~ at əs
s. wingless; (i.s.) having no wings
i. tib. bleeding, haemorrhage; burnundan ~ bleeding at the nose, a nosebleed; ~dan ölmək to bleed to death
i. blood-letting, phlebotomy
fi. bleeding, haemorrhage; burun ~sı bleeding at the nose, a nosebleed
f. to bleed; burnu ~ to bleed at the nose; Onun burnu qanayıb His / Her nose is bleeding
f. to bleed (d.); to wound (d.)
i. tib. anaemia, anemia
i. blood money
s. consanguineous; ~ qardaş halfbrother; ~ bacı half-sister
I. i. 1. bitch; 2. spiteful woman / girl; Qancıq, ağzını yum! You bitch, shut your mouth! II. s. bitch; ~ canavar / tülkü / eşşək və s
i. 1. bruise; ~ olana kimi / qədər döymək to beat* black and blue; ~ etmək to bruise (d.); O yıxılıb, dizini qançır etdi He / She fell and bruised his
f. 1. to become* / to get* bruised; 2. (soyuqlamaq) to catch* a bad cold / chill