i. (yoluxuculuq) infectiousness, contagiousness
I. i. 1. (müxt. mənalarda) passage; transition; istidən soyuğa ~ transition from heat to cold; kapitalizmdən sosializmə ~ transition from capitalism t
f. 1. (məsafə) to be* covered; (çay, körpü, sərhəd və s.) to be* crossed; (maneə) to be* surmounted (by / with); 2
s. 1. (keçilməsi mümkün olmayan) impassable, impenetrable; ~ yol impassable road / way; ~ meşə impenetrable forest; ~ palçıq impassable mud; 2
i. impassability
I. f. 1. (dolanmaq, yaşamaq) to live somehow, to live from mouth to mouth; 2. (yola getmək) to get* on (with), to get* along together (with); 3
i. goatherd, shepherd
I. i. fiz. conductor; elektrik ~sı bax naqil II. s. fiz. couductive, conducting
i. fiz. conductivity; conductance; maqnit (dövrəsinin) ~i permeability, permeance
f. 1. (icra olunmaq, aparılmaq) to be* held; to be* conducted; to be* carried out; İclaslar bu zalda keçirilir Meetings are held in this hall; Seçkilə
s.: su ~ water-resistant; waterproof, water-tight; cərəyan ~ non-conductive
I. f. 1. (addatmaq) to take* / to lead* / to put* across (d.); to convey (d.); (xəlvətcə) to smuggle (d
I. f. 1. (müxt. mənalarda) to pass; basıb üstündən ~ to run* / to move over (d.); üstündən sürüb ~ to override* (d
I. i. the past; old times pl.; antiquity; şərəfli ~ glorious past; uzaq ~ remote past; ~ də in former times, in the old days; formerly; in the olden t
I. i. 1. (ovqat) humour, mood, spirits, frame of mind; fig; ~i kök in good fig; ~i aşağı olmaq to be* in low spirits / out of humour; 2
i. bax kef (4-cü mənada)
i. bax kef (1-ci və 2-ci mənalarda)
i. zool. grey mullet
I. i. reveller, carouser II. s.: ~ adam reveller, debaucher
i. carousal, carouse, revelry, reveling, debauchery
i. bax kefcil I
i. secret resort; an opium den
I. s. 1. well-doing, well-to-do, welloff; ~ adam a well-doer; 2. (kefi yuxarı) exhilarated II. z. luxuriously, sumptuously; ~ yaşamaq to live luxuriou
i. well-doing; (xoş əhval-ruhiyyə) exhilaration
i. kefir, yog(h)ourt, yog(h)urt
s. intoxicating, heady, befudding; ~ şərab heady wine; ~ hava heady air
f. to intoxicate (d.), to inebriate (d.), to make* drunk / tipsy / dizzy (d.); to befuddle (d.)
fi. intoxication, inebriation, inebriety; getting / growing intoxicated, getting tipsy / drunk / dizzy
f. to get* / to grow* intoxicated, to get* drunk / tipsy / inebriate; to be* drunk / tipsy (with), to be* intoxicated (with)
I. i. drunk man; d.d. sot II. s. intoxicated, drunk, tipsy, inebriate; tight d.d.; ~ yerişi tipsy gait; ~ səs tipsy voice
z. in the state of intoxication, in the drunken state; tipsily, drunkenly, sotishly
i. tipsiness, drunkenness; inebriation, sotishness
I. s. 1. (xəstə) unwell, unhealthy; sick; ~ olmaq to be* / to feel* unwell; 2. (bikef) dejected, depressed; sad, spiritless, gloomy; ~ görünmək to loo
z. bax kefsiz II
f. to be* unwell / ill / ailing; to feel* ill / unwell
i. 1. indisposition; sickness, ailment; 2. (pərişanlıq) dejection; slack / languid / dull mood
i. cake
I. i. 1. (oyun) skittles, ninepins; 2. (oyun dakı toxmaqların hər biri) skittle, ninepin; ~ oynamaq to play skittles / ninepins II
I. i. Celt II. s. Celt; ~ dili Celtic, the Celtic language
i. zool. kangaroo
i. cap
I. i. ceramics II. s. ceramic
i. ceramist
i. guard, watch; ~ çəkmək to watch (d.), to keep* watch (over), to sentinel (d.); ~də durmaq to be* on guard / on watch; keşiyində durmaq to be* / to
I. i. watch (man), guard, guardsman*; sentry, sentinel; (qadın) female watchman*; gecə ~si night watchman*; ~ qoymaq to post a sentry; ~ni dəyiş(dir)m
i. 1. (vəzifə) office / position of a watchman / a guardsman*; 2. (keşik çəkmə) guarding, protection
i. guard-room, guard-house
i. priest, clergyman; baş ~ bishop
i. priesthood; an office of a priest / a bishop
i. bot. coriander