i. mus. tuning fork, pitchfork
I. i. əcz. camphor II. s.: ~ ağacı camphor tree; ~ yağı camphor-oil
s. camphorous, camphoric
s. 1. perfect; mature; 2. (mahir) capable; skilled; experienced; skilful; 3. (bitkin) complete
f. to be* perfected; to be* improved
f. to perfect (d.), to make* perfect (d.)
f. 1. to become* perfect (in); to perfect oneself (in); 2. (müdrikləşmək) to gain wisdom
i. 1. perfection; (mental) maturity; 2. (bitkinlik) completeness
i. campaign; drive; mətbuat ~sı press campaign; seçki ~sı election campaign; səpin ~sı sowing campaign
s. unhappy, unlucky, luckless
i. 1. (süni arx) canal; suvarma ~ı irrigation canal; (dənizlər arasında boğaz) channel; 2. anat. duct, canal; sidik ~ı urethra; 3
I. i. sewer, sewerage; ~ çəkmək to sewer (d.), to supply with sewerage system (d.) II. s. sewerage; ~ sistemi sewerage system; ~ borusu sewer (-pipe);
s. sewered, supplied with sewerage system
s. unsewered; (i.s.) not furnished with sewerage system, (i.s.) having no sewerage system
i. rope, cable; polad ~ steel-rope
i. threshold; ~a ayaq basmaq to step over the threshold, to set* foot* on smb.’s threshold; ◊ bir kəsin ~ını qoparmaq ≅ to pester smb
i. rosin, colophony; ~ sürtmək / çəkmək to rosin (d.)
f. to rosin (d.)
f. to be* rosined, to have* rosined
f. to ask / to cause smb. to rosin (d.)
f. bax kanifollatdırmaq
i. well-sinker
i. well-sinking; the job of a wellsinker
i. id. canoe
i. chancellor; Almaniyanın ~i the Chancellor of Germany
i. mus. cantata
i. mus. (xor) choir
i. anat. capillary blood vessel
i. iqt. capital; daimi ~ constant capital; dəyişən ~ variable capital; dövriyyə ~ı circulating / working capital; əmtəə ~ı commodity capital; əsas ~ f
I. i. capitalist; financer II. s. capitalistic, capitalist; ~ istehsal üsulu capitalist way of production; ~ ölkələri capitalist countries
I. i. capitalism; inhisarçı ~ monopolistic capitalism; sənaye ~i industrial capitalism II. s. capitalism, capitalist; ~ quruluşu capitalism, capitalis
f. iqt. to be* capitalized
f. iqt. to capitalize (d.)
f. iqt. to get* capitalized
i. (müxt. mənalarda) captain; komandanın ~ı the captain of the team
i. 1. (don) capote, house-coat; 2. tex. (avtomobildə) bonnet, (təyyarədə) cowl(ing)
i. hərb. corporal
i. mus. capricco
I. i. toxuc. kapron II. s. kapron; ~ lifi kapron / synthetic fibre; ~ corab kapron stockings
I. i. əcz. capsule II. i. hərb. percussion cap, fulminate cap; amer. primer (cap); detonator ~u detonating cap
I. s. capsulate, enclosed in a capsule II. s. capped, (i.s.) having a percussion / fulminate cap; (i
i. hood, cowl
I. i. deaf man* / woman* / girl / boy / child*; ~lar top.i. the deaf II. s. 1. deaf; tamam ~ stone-deaf; bir qulağı ~ deaf of an ear / deaf in one ear
I. i. deaf-mute, deaf and mute II. s. deaf-and-dumb; ~lar(ın) əlifbası deaf-anddumb alphabet
i. car(a)bine
i. bax karabinyor
i. car(a)bineer
s. 1. (köməyi dəyən) helpful; (i.s.) of service / assistance; affording aid; beneficial; 2. (gərəkli) good for smth
s. bax karsız I