i. difference (of), disagreement (in), discord; baxışların ~ı difference of opinions; ~ı həll etmək to settle / to resolve the differences; ~ salmaq t
s. controversial, questionable, debatable, arguable
s. (i.s.) without differences / discord
i. agreeability, co-ordination
i. invention; ~ etmək to invent (d.)
i. inventor; (qadın) inventress
I. i. inventiveness II. s. inventive; ~ qabiliyyəti inventive faculty
i. 1. (mətndə) abridgement; ~ etmək (mətni) to abridge (d.); 2. (azaltma) reduction, cutting down, cut-back; silahların ~ı reduction of armaments; şta
z. in abbreviated form; ~ çap etmək to print in abbreviated form
f. to abbreviate (d.), to abridge (d.), to cut* short (d.); to cancel (d.)
f. to be* abbreviated / abridged, to get* abbreviated
f. to ask / to cause smb. to abbreviate (d.) / to cut short (d.); (mətni) to ask / to cause s.o. to abridge (d
s. abbreviated, contracted; (mətn) abridged
i. profession; trade; speciality; ~ qazanmaq to acquire a profession, to learn* a trade; ~ seçmə choice of profession; ~ını artırmaq to raise the leve
i. improvement of professional skill
f. to specialize (d.), to assign a specialization (to)
f. to be* / to become specialized (in)
fs. specialized
f. to give* (d.) specialized training, to assign a specialization
fi. specialization
f. to specialize (in); to become* specialized
s. skilled, trained, qualified; ~ fəhlə skilled / trained worker; ~ əmək skilled labour
s. unskilled, unqualified, not trained; ~ fəhlə unskilled worker; ~ əmək unskilled labour
I. i. 1. right; power; ~ olmaq to have* right / power; bir iş görməyə ~ı olmaq to have* right / power to do smth
s. arbitrary; free; ~ qərar arbitrary decision ~ hərəkət free movement
f. to grow* old, to become* old and wise
I. s. (i.s.) without legal rights, (i.s.) having no legal rights, (i.s.) deprived of civil rights; ~ adam a person without legal rights II
s. two-volume; ~ lüğət two-volume dictionary
I. i. (qiymət) poor, two; O, tarixdən iki aldı He / She got a poor for history; He / She got a two for history II
z. in pairs, two and two, two by two
s. two-seater (attr.); ~ təyyarə / avtomobil two-seater
I. i. bigamist II. s. bigamous; ~ kişi bigamous man*
i. bigamy; Bir çox ölkələrdə ikiarvadlılıq cinayət hesab edilir Bigamy is considered a crime in many countries
s. two-horse; ~ araba two-horse cart
s. fiz., kim. diatomic
s. pair-oar; ~ qayıq pair-oar boat
s. two legged; elm. biped; ~ canlı biped
s. 1. (müddət) two-month (attr.); (i.s.) of two months; ~ məzuniyyət a twomonth holiday; 2. (yaş) two-month old; ~ uşaq a two-month-old baby, a baby o
s. bax ikibarmaqlı
s. two-fingered
z. there and back
s. two-headed; ~ qartal two-headed eagle, double eagle
z. in pairs, two and two, two by two; ~ getmək to go* in pairs
s. two-angled
s. two-horned; ~ heyvanlar twohorned animals
s. bax hamilə
i. bax hamiləlik
z. only / just two; ~ söz demək to say* only two words; İkicə gün gözlə(yin) Wait just two days
z. in two rows; ~ oturmaq to sit* in two rows
s. two-row; ~ səpin k.t. two-row sowing