i. tracker, pathfinder
i. 1. crowd; ~a qarışmaq to mingle in / with the crowd; 2. procession; train; dəfn ~i funeral procession / train
s. crowded, busy; ~ iclas crowded meeting; ~ küçələr crowded / busy streets
i. the state of being crowded
i. arx. s. marriage; ~ etmək to marry, to get* married
i. arx. expression, revealing; ~ etmək to express (d.), to tell* (d.), to say* (d.); dərdini kədərini ~ etmək to give* vent to one’s sorrow and grief;
i. permission; permit; ~ vermək to permit, to allow, to give* permission; ~ almaq to get* / to have* permission
z. ~ getmək to go* after, to follow in the tracks
s. bax icazəli
s. bax icazəsiz
f. 1. to pursue (d.), to chase (d.), to be* after, to go* after, to follow (d.); düşməni ~ to pursue the enemy; bir kəsi daban-dabana ~ to follow smb
f. 1. to be* pursued / tracked / chased / followed; 2. (xəlvəti) to be* shadowed; Onu hər yerdə izləyirlər He / She is shadowed everywhere
f. 1. to ask / to cause smb. to pursue (d.) / to chase (d.) / to trace (d.); 2. (xəlvəti) to ask / to cause smb
f. bax izlətdirmək
i.: ~ etmək to isolate (d.), (həm də tex.) to insulate (d. from, against); ~ olunmaq to be* isolated / insulated; (adam haq
s. tex. insulating
i. fiz. tex. isolation; (həm də tex.) insulation; (həm də tib.) quarantine
i. 1. tex. fiz. insulator; 2. (xəstəxanada və s.) isolation ward; (həbsxanada) punishment cell; solitary confinement cell; (siyasi dustaqlar üçün) “iz
I. s. traceless; (i.s.) without leaving a trace / track / footprints; II. z. bax izsiz-soraqsız
z. without leaving a trace; ~ yoxa çıxmaq to disappear without leaving a trace; to disappear completely
z. bax izsiz-soraqsız
i. bax izaxtaran
i. pang, torment, poignancy, agony; aclıq ~ları pangs of hunger; qısqanclıq ~ları pangs / torments of jealousy; ~ çəkmək to agonize, to be* in torment
z. poignantly, agonizingly
s. poignant, agonizing; ~ xatirələr agonizing / poignant memories; ~ günlər agonizing days; ~ şübhələr agonizing doubts
i. poignancy, the state of being poignant / agonizing
s. (i.s.) without poignancy / agony, calm
i. lack of poignancy, the state of being without agony
i. respect, honour, esteem; ~ sahibi olmaq to be* esteemed / respected; ~ göstərmək to respect (d.), to show* respect for, to respect (d
s. respected / esteemed highly, (i.s.) worthy of respect / honour
J, j the 15th letter of the Azerbaijani alphabet
i. jacket
i. dew; dew-drop
i. gendarme
i. top.i. gendarmery
i. genre
i. genre-painter, painter of genre
i. dilç. jargon, slang; (müəyyən sosial qrupa məxsus) cant; oğru jarqonu thieves’ cant; jarqonla danışmaq to cant; to speak* slang
I. i. gelatin(e) II. s. gelatinous
f. to gelatinize (d.)
f. to gelatinize; to be* gelatinized
i. jelley
i. bot. ginseng
i. gesture
i. 1. (sikkə əvəzi) counter; 2. (nişan) medal
i. waistcoat; amer. vest
s. 1. (i.s.) with a waistcoat; jiletli kostyum costume with a waistcoat; 2. in a waistcoat, wearing a waistcoat
s. good / suitable for waistcoat; jiletlik parça fabric / cloth suitable for waistcoat
i. endorsement; banking order