I. s. 1. silent; still; gentle; low; ~ meşə silent forest; ~ gecə still night; 2. calm; quiet; tranquil; peaceful; ~ hava calm weather; ~ uşaq quiet child*; ~ həyat peaceful / quiet life; ~ dəniz calm / tranquil sea; ~ musiqi quiet music; ~ səs quiet voice
II. z. quietly, still, peacefully; softly; silently; ~ oturmaq to sit* still; ~ yaşamaq to live quietly / peacefully; ~ danışmaq to speak* in a low voice; ~ etmək to calm (d.), to quiet (d.); to soothe (d.); to set* at rest / ease (d.); uşağı ~ etmək to calm / to quiet / to soothe the child*; öz vicdanını ~ etmək to soothe one’s conscience; ~ olmaq to calm / to quiet / to settle down; bir kəsi ~ buraxmaq to leave* smb. alone / in peace; Sakit olun! Make your mind easy, Compose yourself!