Teodor Lüdviq Vizenqrund Adorno (rus. Theodor Ludwig Wiesengrund Adorno ; alman: [ˈteːodoːɐ̯ ʔaˈdɔɐ̯no] ( dinlə ) ;[ 8] [ 9] ; 11 sentyabr 1903 [ 1] [ 2] […] , Frankfurt-Mayn , Prussiya , Almaniya imperiyası [ 3] [ 2] […] – 6 avqust 1969 [ 3] [ 1] […] , Fisp [d] [ 2] [ 4] […] ) — Almaniya filosofu, sosioloqu, musiqişünası. O, Frankfurt məktəbinin nümayəndəsi olmuşdur. Adorno mədəniyyəti və cəmiyyəti ("Maarifçiliyin dialektikası", 1948, Maks Horkheymer ilə birlikdə), həmçinin "mənfi dialektika" ideyasını tənqid etmişdir. 1940-cı illərdə Adorno və onun əməkdaşları ABŞ -də faşizm üçün sosial-psixoloji ilkin şərt kimi "avtoritar şəxsiyyət" haqqında araşdırma aparmışdılar. "İşıqsız iztirab"ın protokol təsbiti kimi "yeni musiqi" konsepsiyasında o, yeni Vyana məktəbinin bəstəkarlarının yaradıcılığına diqqət yetirir.[ 10]
Kierkegaard: Construction of the Aesthetic (1933)
Dialectic of Enlightenment (Maks Horkheymer ilə, 1944)
Composing for the Films (1947)
Philosophy of New Music (1949)
The Authoritarian Personality (1950)
Minima Moralia: Reflections from Damaged Life (1951)
In Search of Wagner (1952)
Prisms (1955)
Against Epistemology: A Metacritique; Studies in Husserl and the Phenomenological Antinomies (1956)
Dissonanzen. Musik in der verwalteten Welt (1956)
Notes to Literature I (1958)
Sound Figures (1959)
Mahler: A Musical Physiognomy (1960)
Notes to Literature II (1961)
Introduction to the Sociology of Music (1962)
Hegel: Three Studies (1963)
Critical Models: Interventions and Catchwords (1963)
Quasi una Fantasia (1963)
The Jargon of Authenticity (1964)
Night Music: Essays on Music 1928–1962 (1964)
Negative Dialectics (1966)
Alban Berg: Master of the Smallest Link (1968)
Critical Models: Interventions and Catchwords (1969)
Aesthetic Theory (1970)
The Culture Industry (Routledge, 1991)
Beethoven: The Philosophy of Music; Fragments and Texts (1993)
The Psychological Technique of Martin Luther Thomas' Radio Addresses (2000)
Kant's 'Critique of Pure Reason' (2002)
Current of Music (2006)
Für Sebastian Wedler (1919)
6 Studies for string quartet (1920)
Piano piece (1921)
String quartet (1921)
3 stories by Theodor Däubler for female chorus (1923–1945)
2 Pieces for string quartet, Op. 2 (1925/26)
7 short works for orchestra, Op.4 (1929)
3 Short Pieces for piano (1934)
2 songs for voice & orc
Adorno, Theodor. Notes to Literature: Volume two. New York: Columbia University Press. 1992.
Adorno, Theodor. Brian O'Connor (redaktor). The Adorno Reader . Malden, MA: Blackwell Publishing. 2000.
Adorno, Theodor. Essays on Music . Berkeley: University of California Press. 2002.
Adorno, Theodor. Negative Dialectics. New York: Continuum. 2003.
Arato, Andrew; Gephart, Eike, redaktorlar The Essential Frankfurt School Reader. New York: Continuum. 1982.
Claussen, Detlev. Theodor W. Adorno: One Last Genius. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press. 2008.
Durão, Fabio Akcelrud. "Robert Hullot-Kentor in Conversation with Fabio Akcelrud Durão" . The Brooklyn Rail: Critical Perspectives on Art, Politics and Culture. July–August 2008. 16 November 2021 tarixində arxivləşdirilib . İstifadə tarixi: 28 November 2011 .
Laughey, Dan. Key Themes in Media Theory . England: Open University Press. 2007.
Müller-Doohm, Stefan. Adorno: A Biography. Malden, MA: Polity Press. 2005.
Wiggershaus, Rolf. The Frankfurt School, Its History, Theories and Political Significance . Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. 1995.
Edwards, Peter. "Convergences and Discord in the Correspondence Between Ligeti and Adorno" Arxivləşdirilib 2021-01-13 at the Wayback Machine , Music & Letters, 96/2, 2015.
Gerhardt, Christina Arxivləşdirilib 2022-04-17 at the Wayback Machine (ed.). "Adorno and Ethics Arxivləşdirilib 2017-11-04 at the Wayback Machine ". New German Critique Arxivləşdirilib 2017-11-14 at the Wayback Machine 97 (2006): 1–3.
Brunger, Jeremy. 2015. "The Administered World of Theodor Adorno Arxivləşdirilib 2022-04-10 at the Wayback Machine ". Numero Cinq magazine (5 May).
Hogh, Philip. Communication and Expression: Adorno's Philosophy of Language. Translated by Antonia Hofstätter. London and New York: Rowman & Littlefield International, 2017.
Hohendahl, Peter Uwe. Prismatic Thought: Theodor W. Adorno . Lincoln, Nebr.: University of Nebraska Press, 1995.
Jarvis, Simon. Adorno: A Critical Introduction . Cambridge: Polity, 1998.
Jay, Martin. The Dialectical Imagination: A History of the Frankfurt School and the Institute for Social Research 1923–1950 . Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press, 1996.
Jay, Martin. Adorno . Cambridge, Mass: Harvard University Press, 1984.
Jeffries, Stuart. Grand Hotel Abyss: The Lives of the Frankfurt School . New York: Verso, 2016.
Paddison, Max. Adorno, Modernism and Mass Culture: Essays on Critical Theory . London: Kahn & Averill, 2004. ISBN 1-871-08281-1 .
Morgan, Ben. "The project of the Frankfurt School", Telos , Nr. 119 (2001), 75–98
Scruton, Roger. Fools, Frauds and Firebrands: Thinkers of the New Left . New York: Bloomsbury USA, 2015.
Delanty, Gerard, ed. Theodor W. Adorno . London: SAGE, 2004.
Bowie, Andrew. Adorno and the Ends of Philosophy , Cambridge: Polity 2013
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